Low blood pressure in menopause? Hot flashes and No energy....when is this going to get better?
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Hi ladies,
It has been a little while since I've posted because I've actually been doing pretty good. My gastritis has improved but it seems like when one symptom improves another one kicks in!
I really thought I was getting through menopause without suffering from hot flashes but I was wrong. I pretty much have them through the night, some nights I wake up 6 or 7 times. This goes on for about a week and then they taper off to a few times a night. I don't have many throughout the day but do often have a few in the evening....and always after I eat chocolate. ?? I also have been suffering from low blood pressure...I've had high blood pressure since mid twenties so this is surprising to me, By low I mean a systolic from 92-106 and my diastolic runs 78-89. It's the top number that is running low and even though this is technically considered hypotension, for me it feels like it. I get lightheaded, spacey feeling, really tired and when I exert myself my heart rate speeds up. Heart tests all normal....ECG, echo cardiogram, stress test and even had heart CT scan with dye injection which showed no blockages and calcium score of zero.
I am 56 years old and 1 1/2 years ago had partial hysterectomy so still have ovaries and have no idea if I am in complete menopause or not.
I am just tired of feeling so tired and dragged out and am wondering if any ladies here have had issues with low blood pressure and fatigue?
Thanks so much.🙂
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gailannie tmpearce
Yes, my blood pressure also went very low. And it is related to our low/absent hormones. I might mention that some women can't take estrogen.......reason.......
Their BP goes too high. So for women like you and I estrogen supplementation can be a good thing.
tmpearce gailannie
Thank you gailannie. The funny thing is that up until a few months ago my blood pressure has always been high. I take a medication at bedtime for it and just recently was started on another med in the morning. I stopped my morning med because it was getting really low. My gyn did prescribe a low dose of Estrace for me a month ago but was hesitant because of my history of hypertension and the fact that my mother died if heart issues and my siblings all developed hypertension at a young age. She said that the HRT replacement causes red blood cells to become sticky, causing increased risk of strokes. So I said I would give it a few months and try a cleaner diet and exercise....but am so tired at times that I don't get much exercise. I'm so frustrated!
gailannie tmpearce
Ok, so I'm assuming you were given oral Estrace. However all HRT have their own risk profile. Possibly a low dose patch would help decrease your stroke risk, vs taking it orally. And it appears that the hypotension medication they have you on, is too much for your system thus the LOW BP. And low blood pressure will make you feel very tired.
In your first post you said you weren't sure of your menopausal status. A simple blood test for FSH and estradiol would answer that question. A high FSH reading, combined with low estradiol would tell you if your ovaries have bit the dust. But my guess is that at 56, yes you are in menopause. That combined with your nightly hot flashes, indicates that your tempeture regulation is off balance. Which is usually correctable with estrogen. Nothing will make you feel worse than interupted sleep. Have you gotten into vaginal atrophy, dryness and painful sex yet? That also would indicate that your estradiol level has plumeted.
Isn't menopause fun? Who the heck came up with this?
Let's all smack him!!!!
tmpearce gailannie
I was given a prescription for Estrace oral but haven't started it. Had FSH, estradiol and TSH levels done almost 3 weeks ago and still don't have results. Left message today with gyn office to see what is taking so long. Did have appointment with my family doctor today and of course my blood pressure was higher, but he did discontinue one of my eds and I will monitor it. I feel better today and not as tired...I don't remember waking up once through the night feeling hot so I'm sure that has a lot to do with it.🙂 My temperature regulation is definitely off....all day yesterday I couldn't feel cool and when the air was where we normally keep it I was still too warm.
gailannie tmpearce
It will be good to get your lab results.
My bet is you're bottomed out. So come back & share your #s.
Hope things go better from here for you.
tmpearce gailannie
Yes...as soon as I get results I'll let you know. Thanks so much for your insight🙂