Low Estrogen
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hi everyone , so i had hormone testing done and my gyne called and told me my estrogen level is real low and thats why i have been experiencing so many symptoms for past 4 months. i am on full menopause (2 years of no period) but last 4 months i noticed a huge increase in anxiety, digestion problems, sinus problems, fatigue, feeling light headed, hot flashes, cold flashes, no appetite, weight loss, head fog, irritability, my hair is shedding. just feel like s*** sometimes. he is considering a low dose of estrogen/ progesterone but stated he going to really think about it because its a lot of controversy surrounding HRT. my vitamin D is low. i had a full thyroid panel, glucose done and its normal but i do feel like my body is imbalanced. He recommended exercise, meditation, nuts, coffee and lots of green veggies. Does anyone have these symptoms experiencing low estrogen? if so how or what are you doing to increase your levels? I really dont want to do HRT but will if its no other way to turn this around. Im trying not to freak out.
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kelly55079 jessica60993
I have the anxiety now as well as some other things.. I am low in iron so I take an iron pill and also Vit D.. Being low in vit D causes so many things so I won't skimp out on that. I don't want want HRT either.. Yes to green veggies-- yesterday had spinach and asparagus but today notta. So I need to make an effort everyday!! Coffee--? I never know know, some say it's good and some say not so I just have 1 cup..
jessica60993 kelly55079
hi kelly, i dont like coffee but i may give it a try. thank you for responding back.
tmpearce jessica60993
Hi Jessica,
I am post meno. Had partial hysterectomy 4 years ago and 6 weeks ago had both ovaries out due to baseball sized tumor on one ovary and other ovary stuck to bowel due to adhesions. Thank the Lord there was no cancer.My estrogen was very low before my surgery and I figure its pretty much non existent now ....my body is struggling to adjust to the lack of estrogen. I have been able to manage symptoms without HRT by eating clean...organic, non-GMO, lots of dark green veggies, really cut out sugar and white carbs. Also try to eat foods which contain phytoestrogens such as flax seeds, soybeans or edamame, tofu, dried fruits, cruciferous vegetables. I always use organic, non GMO soy products and dont eat a lot of products containing soy isolates. Natural is better. I also take a good multi vitamin, B12 supplement, calcium with vitamin D and fish oil capsule.
My symptoms were head pressure/sinus headaches, acid reflux, terrible anxiety, especially health anxiety, dry eyes, hot flushes but no sweats, brain fog, feeling off balance and terrible crashing fatigue. I have noticed that since I had my ovaries removed my acid reflux has returned and so has the hot flushes, fatigue, headaches and anxiety. My gynecologist wants me to wait a few months until my body adjusts to the hormone drop. He is like your doctor....would prefer not to prescribe HRT due to risk factors (I have high blood pressure and high chol/triglycerides). He says that the progesterone in the HRT is what increases breast cancer risk and since I dont have a uterus I wouldn't need that so I would have lower risk on just estrogen but feels I can manage it naturally since I've done it so far. So I am back on my strict health plan to see if that helps. The only thing I dont get enough of is exercise and the one thing I get too much of is chocolate! But at least it is dark chocolate!
Everyone is different and sometimes we just cant do it without HRT but I am going to try! I hope this is helpful to you and that you can manage to ease your symptoms naturally too.
jessica60993 tmpearce
hi tmpearce, thank you for your suggestion and responding back. i am going to work on my nutrition and exercise . thank you.
mary27278 jessica60993
Hi Jessica, I'm wondering if that is what is going on with me. I have these symptoms too ..especially the weight loss and can't seem to gain. The last time they were checked they all were extremely low.
jessica60993 mary27278
hi mary, it sucks but its a part of life. im just praying and trying to manage my stress. it plays a huge roll in how our body functions. best to you. thank you for responding back.
pamela2016 jessica60993
i have these symptoms but i dont know my levels they need checked again
jessica60993 pamela2016
pamela, prob so. thank you for responding back.
JacquiR jessica60993
Hi! I had symptoms like you and then I went vegan and... wow... all of those symptoms are gone. GONE. I lost weight (30 pounds), am off ALL of my medications (prozac, mobic, zyrtec, allergy shots), and I feel SO. MUCH. BETTER!
Family thought I was nuts but after seeing my success, they have joined me. I wish I would have done it sooner. Let me know if I can help in anyway...or if you have any questions. I have been vegan for 5 years...so I have experience and insights if you are interested.
jessica60993 JacquiR
thank you for tips. glad you are better 🤗