Low-grade fever and blood work ?

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Hi everyone,

I got sick April last year, so 11 months now.

I have ongoing low-grade fever, around 15 days every month, but in February it's been almost every day continuing now into March.

Also with mucus in my throat, no pain, but also fatigue.

So I saw my doctor, she did a ton of blood testing, came out all fine.

But then she did the EBV test, and all three markers where positive.

The VCA, the EBNA and also the EBV IGM.

The last one is the one that verifies active mono.

I actually thought, that you would not test positive on active mono after almost a year, did any of you guys experience this?

Levels weren't high, on the border of negative, but it kind of worries me still testing positive for active mono. 😟

Anyhow, an update from me, this requires a ton of patience!

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14 Replies

  • Posted

    im at 11 months too was doing better more stable then relapsed which is so disappointing . i had my blood work redone a few months ago and nothing much had changed so not getting it done again as too depressing . i think we will know when we are better by the way we feel

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      It's so frustrating, wish it would go away and leave me alone!!

      But I just read this bit on this site:

      Following acute infection, the increase in IgM levels peaks after 4-8 weeks and IgM usually remains positive for as long as one year.

      Just have to keep accommodating and finding the patience to pull through, and one day it will be over.

      Hang in there Lori, we'll get through this. 🌼💐

    • Posted

      yes im having my worst day in 11 months i think today ... its tough to stay positive.

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      Yes, it truly is a challenge. I hope you're feeling a little better today Lori. 🏵💮🌸

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      yes a bit better thank you ... yesterday was a horror story . gosh so sick of this ! sick sick sick !

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      Lori it really has been a terrible rollercoaster for you lately, I just hope so much that you can have a period of stability where these tough days and periods stay well away and you can feel protected and safe and able to grow and rebuild with God's help. I believe a much more peaceful time is ahead for you. Still thinking about you.


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      Hope you have a couple of OK days soon Lori, so you can gather a bit of strength. 💮🌸🏵

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      thank you ...this 'thing' is just never ending . praying for relief

  • Posted

    Hi Malene,

    Oh how frustrating you are getting this low grade fever worse and that the blood results are showing up positive for mono again. I very much hope and pray things settle down soon and that this is just a temporary relapse episode which can happen during recovery.

    There was a phase a bit further on in my recovery than you when I had a similar thing Malene - after a period of feeling much better and really getting back to a more normal way of life, at about 21 months I had a relapse where my blood tests showed positive again for mono for the first time since the very start of the virus. It frightened me so much and made me worry I would have to go through all this again from scratch, but thankfully things settled down within a few weeks and I was feeling much better again.

    These kind of episodes can happen Malene and don't panic about the blood tests showing positive again - in no way can it harm you as bad as the first time it infected you and often these episodes feel very intense at the time like you've been having with the low grade fever but pass within a few weeks and things get back on track again - you won't have lost the progress you've made up until now it's just a frustrating thing that can really happen when in recovery with this.

    The low grade fever was just the most awful thing of the virus, it was the symptom that lingered the longest along with a painful gland in my neck - but it did go away eventually and Year 2 was definitely a much much better year and one of recovery and hope, and this blip I had at 21 months proved to be just a temporary setback - very much hoping and praying that this can be the case for what's happening for you just now too Malene. Thinking about you and hang in there.


    • Posted

      Thank you so much Craig for your kind words.

      It amazes me, that the virus can dislodge us for that long, surely we must be special cases, and almost two years for you must have been an enormous challenge.

      Many of us are scared it might evolve into something chronic, since it drags for so many months, so it's good to know, that you eventually did make a full recovery.

      My doctor is sending me to more tests at the hospital, I honestly don't know what else they can test for, I'm pretty convinced it's the mono, however annoying that is.

      But I will keep you posted, when they've done the tests.

      I also hope for you Craig, that your back problems are moving forward, you have certainly had your own struggles, and thanks for supporting us on this site. 🤗


    • Posted

      Thanks Malene,

      Although I had that mini-relapse at 21 months, I had really started to fully recovery quite a bit before that, I started to feel a bit change around the year mark and the second year was much better. So just want to offer you some hope and encouragement that often that second year can be really one where major steps forward are taken towards full recovery. Please remember it can (unfortunately) be very normal to have these kind of setbacks during recovery, and to be feeling this was still after 11 months, but in no way does it mean that recovery won't come because it will - it's just it takes an extended period and some people recover quicker than others with this thing.

      That is definitely wise getting the other tests done, hoping very much that these can help put your mind at rest and offer some reassurance. Do keep us posted and just remember to take things easier and at a pace that's right for you just now, especially with this (temporary) setback that you've been going dealing with.

      Thanks so much for your kind words regarding my back, grateful that it has been a bit more settled lately, God has been helping me, still been seeing physio and osteopath and trying to keep up with exercises. Just taking it day by day and hoping and praying God can help things to continue to move in the right direction. It has got me so down at times this last couple of years and just so much want things to be stable and to move forward rather than backwards. Your support means a lot thanks Malene!

      You take care and keep in touch, and keep in mind that BY FAR the worst period and year of this thing is behind you with better times and recovery ahead.


    • Posted

      Thanks Craig. Good to hear that your back problems are moving in an acceptable direction, however frustratingly slow and with setbacks along the way.

      It seems to me, that your personal trials have developed a huge amount of empathy for others, we all appreciate it, as we're struggling with this quite lonely path of long recovery.

      You know how people empathize in the beginning, and then naturally start forgetting, as the recovery

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      ....I got cut off...will continue..🤗

      ....as the recovery period extends for months.

      Hang in there yourself, and I'll keep you posted on the extra testing.

      Malene 🌼

    • Posted

      Hi Malene,

      Thanks for your kind and supportive words, I really appreciate them. You're so right, often it can be easy to empathise at the beginning and forget over time. I just know how down and desperate I felt going through mono, and wouldn't wish that upon anyone, and just want you and others to know that there is hope and recovery from this thing!

      Thanks too so much for the best wishes about my back and things I've been dealing with. Still feel fragile in a lot of ways and just want to find my way again, sometimes feel I'm not pushing myself hard enough at times. Hoping that our confidence, resilience and health can improve in a steady and substantial way over the coming period.

      Remember Malene you are going to bounce back and get through this virus and this setback / relapse. It can be SO common to have this kind of thing happen during recovery, it can cause all sorts of worry and panic, but truly just to say again my experience was that Year 2 was MUCH better than Year 1, so hang in there. Hoping and praying for better times ahead, and still fully believing that you are going to get through this and feel liberated and have your joy and peace return as things get better.

      Your words really touched me Malene thanks so much!! To take the time to say those things when going through such hard times yourself says so much about your compassion, kindness, selfnessness and goodness.


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