Low grade fever for month and a half from peri/meno

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Do any of you girls get a low grade fever under 99.5??? Or am I misconstruing this symptom because my skin will feel very hot and then the slight fever also could feel like crawly skin which is always mentioned in our 66 symptoms from Janie,, this has really got me baffled it will go from the norm 98.6 and go up and down all day to 99.5 sometimes alittle higher my breast are extremely swollen so I no the hormones are flaring and Im like the rest of us on our forum my symptoms have been off the charts... Oh of course when I went to the doctor he told me this was not a fever,,, also have sever allergies and ear pain with no infection so he says no infection ether! Is this really a fever or meno??? looking for your expertise and experiances if you have any??? hugs to you all xxxx I ALSO HAVE 24/7 ringing in my ears now which is a new symptom!!!

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5 Replies

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    I'm ten years post menopausal, but when I was having my period even in my teen's and until I stopped I always ran a low grade fever during my cycle. The my obgyn told me it's pretty common and it occurs in most women. How about that? That means for 40 years I had a fever during my period.

  • Posted

    The ear ringing is also a common symptom during peri and even menopause. My allergies have been fine until this year. They have been awful, but I'm finally getting better.

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    Hi I often get pain in my ears and constant ringing. I have also felt like I'm coming down with the flu. I can be fine all day then I sit down to relax on an evening and all my joints start aching I start shivering, feel freezing cold one minute then on fire the next. The next day I am fine again. The Joy's of menopause. x

    • Edited

      YES Lorraine,,, feel like I HAVE THE FLU!!! But all of my meno symptoms always last for at least a month before they change for me,,, maybe I am differant but it is like a cycle of some sort,,, lets make it more confusing then it already is!!! xxxx a month everyday can just seem to kill you!!!

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