Low ironn

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I looked under my eye lids and they are really pale, lacking in iron, I suppose its to be expected as I have been bleeding virtually non stop sine last October, I am now starting to bleed less just getting so fed up

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17 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Caroline I take iron tablets gas I am slightly anemic worth a try how you feel better soon take care 😘😘

  • Posted

    Hi Caroline

    I am having prolonged bleeding as well. My GP says it's peri symptoms and I'm waiting to see a gynecologist.

    What has your GP said? I know how you feel. It's crap


  • Posted

    Oh dear aren't we all.

    We women seem to carry the weight of the world over our shoulders.

    Not enough having to deal

    With daily life stresses we have all this menopause crap to deal with.

    Sometimes I question why do we have to go through so much hardship. Why can't be life be a bit more gentle on us and allow us happiness and peace of mind.

    I feel mentally exhausted and sometimes I ask myself is it all worthwhile.

    That's when depression starts creeping up and then u have to find the strength to battle that.

    Have you been given iron tablets? How's ur diet??

    I feel drained. I sleep during the night but wake up early which is annoying.

    I would like to be able to resolve all issues but when life seems finally good then something else comes to affect it. I was in a happy and steady relationship with a man I thought was the one and he turned out to be a let down. As soon as found out about gynae issues he was fast enough to say that things changed and he didn't feel the same love for me as before. Trying to understand that would drive me mad and cause me not to eat and sleep and i don't need that. Life is hard and we need to look after ourselves if we don't no one else will.

    Be sure ur GP gives u the right care.


  • Posted

    Hi Caroline, are you taking any vitamins? Maybe get one with iron in it. You don't need that much iron unless you're dizzy, bedridden tired, and breathless. If you are then buy iron pills. Not sure of your age, but we don't need that much iron as we get older. You shouldn't take more than 8mg of iron/day if you're 51 or older.

    People with high iron stores, either from a high-iron diet or from supplementation, may be more likely to develop cancer, atherosclerosis, heart disease and diabetes, says the University of Maryland Medical Center. In addition, a 2009 study published in the "Journal of Alzheimer's Disease" reported that elderly individuals with excessively high iron stores may experience more oxidative damage to brain tissue and may have a higher risk of neurodegenerative disorders like Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease, though more research is needed.

    • Posted

      Gosh that interesting and scary! My ferritin level was 19 in February and 18 in May despite taking the ferrous fumarate, 210mg. I stopped taking Omeprazole in May as I read it can inhibit absorption of iron. Had blood test done again yesterday, get results Friday. I've tried to follow a high iron foods diet, but I think it has affected my cholesterol levels? 5.7 then 6.2. Is this a possibility?

    • Posted

      According to this article above, there is that possibility. I take a multivitamin with no iron it because I eat it in the foods I consume. But non-heme food or plant based foods are better for you because they cause less damage to the body. in other words, if you eat meat you don't need a supplement because meat is high in iron. Too much iron and you're bound to develop any of the diseases mentioned in the article above.


    • Posted

      So if you are having symptoms of anaemia you should be tested before taking any iron supplements? There is iron in most womens supplements. I have read that women need more iron as they get older, especially if still menstruating. I guess it's best to get tested regularly.

    • Posted

      Yes, if you're having symptoms you should see your doctor and get tested.

      No, as you get older you need less. Unless you're still menstruating then all you need is 8mg/day. I stopped taking iron at 50, as recommended by my doctor. Yet, the last thing I want is heart disease which already runs in my family.

      Here once the news came out that iron can cause oxidative damage to the body, most multi-vitamins are now iron free and with all pre-natal vitamins having iron in them.

  • Posted

    Hi. My heavy periods caused me to have anaemia. I took ferrous fumarate, no constipation! Along with B12 and Vit C to aid absorption of the iron. A womens supplement like meno pace may help you too. Keep strong. Best wishes
    • Posted

      I'm waiting for the dr appointment and hoping to go onto ferous fumarate and I have Menopace

    • Posted

      I began taking femarelle and doing ok on it. Been 3 days but the night sweats have reduced.

      Lots of women swear by it and I am turning into a convert.

      It does all that HRT would do but it is all natural. Give it a go. You can get it on amazon, next day delivery.

    • Posted

      hi natacha.  Did someone recommend this for you?  It sounds good
    • Posted

      I was desperate for an alternative to HRT used menopause and several other herbal remedies. I went to Holland and barrett and spoke to a sales representative who said a lot of women use it and it is really good. I read a lot about it and all articles says the same and reviews as well.

      So I said why not and so far so good. I also began taking acidophilus, which has 30 billion friendly bacterias for the stomach flora.

      It is a natural remedy so no harm done.

      I am quite happy with femarelle so far so good.

    • Posted

      I went and had a read all about it, the scientific stuff!  Seems that it is soya based and all the trials look good.  Maybe start a discussion and see if others know about it?  would be really interested

      I have also been recommended a probiotic (not acidophilus but similar) to sort out stomach issues that started with peri/menopause.   

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