Low Memory

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My son 8 years old and have low Memory because he learn some thing to day and forgot when he wake up next day please guide us in this regard's i shall be very thanks full for this.

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    To quote a western (what's called) Idiom : Practice makes perfect. This idiom speaks for itself really,, it does help if the information that needs to be remembered is within the child's level of comprehension, for example it's pointless trying to teach a child how to do univariate polynomial equations when the child cannot even do basic arithmetic. If the information is complex then dumb it down, turn it into an easily remembered short story or parable (which can trigger the remembrance of the more complex overlying information), children remember more if they're enjoying the learning experience...

    Which reminds me of another idiom : Patience is a virtue.

    Hope I've helped a little smile

  • Posted

    Sounds like he could be suffering with dyslexia. This can cover many aspects including short term memory, saying words like par cark for car park. Ask for a test or research on line to see if symptoms match.
  • Posted

    i had the same problem growing up as im dylexic myself. i used to write a word over and over again to practice my writting at to be able to spell a word that i found hard to remmber. one was my left and my right. my way to remmber is i write with my right hand still use that one.l i use rymes to remmber how to do things. once he get a method or way to do something he will do better. it just finding a method that will suit him.for each thing. i used art as a method of learning. as i used type way to use a letters of the alphabet as an art in itself. so i could spell and so other people could read what i had wrote.took longer to write but it worked for me.
  • Posted

    In your case you can try some natural memory supplements like Cebria.It acts perfectly with no such side effects.


  • Posted

    He might have some form of learning disability like dyslexia or something else. Consult your GP and ask for a referral to a specialist like a child psychologist who can administer psychometric tests.
  • Posted

    Kids..sounds mean but do like like dog.. over n over even if they no it every day
  • Posted

    And my daughter could only remibor things in one order...

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