Low mood & no muscle power

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Hi - I haven't been reading here for a while but just lately I am getting more down about the changes I am experiencing. Last year I had lots of odd 'symptoms' which were not put down to hormones, I have been under horrible stress for a few years and thought I was just burnt out.  Although my skin was changing, very sensitive, hot and cold feet, bouts of high anxiety on waking.

At the start of this year I had a period that went on spotting for over a week, they tested my thyroid and hormones and one doctor said you are post menopausal with the FSH/LH reading and I needed HRT to protect me as I was 44. This sent me into a spin, I missed my first period and thought that was it, he was right.  Shock wasn't the word.  Then I had a retest of the blood and came back completely normal and have had periods ever since.  Mostly regular but very different than the last few years.

I have so many sublte things going on but nothing as upsetting as the overall weak feeling I have and the low mood which is nothing I have had before.  I have had  anxiety issues most of my life, but never lacked the backbone or motivation to get going when I had too or needed too.

Now..........I feel so weak, like after flu or something, I just can't sleep well, tired but wired and getting down about the physical things that are coming and going, nausea at times,  aching hip, hair is shedding like mad but partly growing back (horrible short new hair) skin on my hands is thinner and wrinkley, as is my face (completely sagged)  It is as if all the 'soft padding'/bounce has disappeared both inside and out and I feel deflated like a rag doll. My body shape is changing.

This is starting to really get to me, the sense I cannot control any of it and I feel too young, or it feels too sudden, to lose my complete oooomph.  I am reluctant to use HRT and am wondering about treatment for depression, but really I am wondering if this goes away at some point.

I am getting depressed with the idea that my entire personality is changing along with my body - which I have just about come to terms with and have changed my diet, upped my excercise etc.  But, the lack of ooomph is awful.  I just don't seem to care much anymore and feel a bit defeated, which isn't like me at all.

Any suggestions as to what causes the loss of muscle strength and tone or is it just age - seems so sudden to me.  Maybe it's low or no estrogen - though I have had periods up to now - maybe I am coming to the end.  I don't really want that, because then HRT choices pop up as the doctor will no doubt say I need it because average age is 50/51 for menopause.

I do feel a little bit at a loss as to how to make myself feel better, don't want to be complacent/accepting but then again I am not sure how much I can change - it's so tricky.  I am sure I am suffering from long term stress and weak adrenals as well.

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    Thank you so much for this post. It kind of summarizes all the pains I'm going through.I understand perfectly How you feel as I'm just getting over another crises.At a point I actually thought something else that is more serious was wrong with me.I get so fatigued that I can't even stand up in the morning to go to the bathroom and the most painful thing is that I usually get this pains with dizziness and light handedness.Recently,I had very scary muscle spasm in my head that made my anxiety to worsen.I get twitches and muscle spasms.My doctor is quick to dismiss me now from his office as I run to him as soon as I get another new symptom.These days I don't even want to look into the mirror because I' m always having acne breakout and dry skin.My doctor does not agree that I'm premenopausal as my test came back slightly off the normal.I used to have very regular period but now sometimes I don't even get it in 2months or more.The most overwhelming thing about this situation is that there isn't much awareness about this things we are going through and a lot of us are suffering because even the doctors think everything is in our heads.It's sad and it makes me cry sometimes.Even my hubby does not understand but anyway,try and check your vitamin D level.My test came back low so,I'm presently taking a high dose of Vit D supplement.My thyroid test came back normal but I read online that most of the test are not accurate most times.I have not had Adrenal test.We will beat this situation only if we can be strong and be positive. Please take care of yourself and do whatever it takes for you to feel better.lots of hugs!
  • Posted

    Hi Beetle. Reading your post sounds very familiar, very much like myself. I'm 55 & have weird scary symptoms...I might have a few days where I feel sort of ok then I get days where I'm woozy, hot n flushed, no get-up & go, low stamina & crying/anxiety just feel totally yuk n not right....so far it's been a long 2yrs, this all got worse when I stopped smoking 2yrs ago, maybe it aggravated what menopause symptoms I had also a couple years before this my periods started changing. Thought I hadn't had a period for a year now but forgot I had a very light 'hardly worth it' one last Nov so maybe I'm still not quite there. So looking forward to the end! menopause can happen anywhere from 45 to 60 & agree, why is it said that it happens at 50/51? I had a Dr say to me that I should have gone through menopause at 50 & that I'm very late WT?!(sorry) I then thought there's something wrong with me 😢 this Dr was young & didn't seem to know why I was feeling the way I was or understand...I now have a new Dr but...... Take each day as it comes, be kind to yourself. Take Care 
    • Posted

      Thank you, each day  as it comes seems like the only way to stay sane - second guessing what is happening or when drives me mad.  Awful when you are told you are not 'normal' - I too thought there was something wrong with me.  You take care too.
  • Posted

    I am 3.5 years post I still suffer a lot of the symptoms you all experience
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      Yes, I read that symptoms can actually get worse after periods stop - yikes.  I hope yours settle soon
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    I have been there have you talked to your doctor about an antidepressant that would help with the depression and anxieties. 

    Sorry you are going through such a hard time hope things get better just hang in there

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      Hi - I haven't talked to the Dr yet, but considering doing so, although they do know how I feel and really don't take much notice or offer anything except HRT because I am 'young'.  I might try a different doctor and ask their opinion on whether this is a transient thing or not, I feel a bit bogged down with it all.
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      I understand just do not give up the fight you will feel better be strong and just know you are a good person
  • Posted

    Hi Beetle,

    Been where you are now and yes, it felt like someone flipped a switch on me and boy did things change over night. I did various things to try and alleviate some of the more unsettlling issues, i.e. the extreme anxiety upon awakening, my body tone (muscles) gone, not as energetic as I used to be, hair texture changing and falling out but growing back in different, mood swings.....& etc.  

    Did try use an AD for a bit as my mood was incredibly low and there were a few issues going on at the time so those helped for a short time. I went to a Naturopath and then an Intergrative Medicine doctor to try different things. Andnow that things seem to be somewhat on even keel I'm back to my regular doctor for maintence.

    I am taking Prometrium as it was discovered that while the levels of hormones do bounce around during this time, I really had very little to none of Progesterone and it was felt that was creating some of the more disturbing issues for me.

    I must say in my case, along with a low dose of thyroid hormone, I have improved greatly.  I don't take the Prometrium every day, as we don't have a steady level of it naturally as the doctor described, nor should we now. But the way I take it seems to level me out pretty well. I am almost true menopausal, last menses was 12/14....

    I will not lie and tell you that I'm a 100% my old self, but I have come a long way from where you are right now and it has taken a combination of working with doctors. It took a combination of the medicines and different supplements suggested on various sites like here to get me back to place that now I don't feel so foreign to myself like I used to.

    Believe me, it sounds like you are at the height hell in this phase and while it feels like an eternity, you will gradually come out of this. I too was hesistant to even try any type of medication initially.

    Part was fear of what might happen and part was I actually felt like such a loser that I couldn't overcome this on my own. Some of my friends never had so much of a tear shed during this time and couldn't understand why I was so miserable.  Looking back I wish I would have tried to get help a bit sooner. In my case the Prometrium is something I know my body needed by just how quickly it responded in a positive way.

    Work with your doctor to see what they recommend and give things a try be it the ADs or hormones or supplements to work your way out of this.

    Sending you big hugs Beetle and hoping you get onto the road to mend real quick.

    Annie xx

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      Hi Annie

      Thanks so much for your kind response.  Yes, I think progesterone is low, I am fairly sure of that, however I also know that weak adrenals will have an effect as this is where hormones are made when they naturally decline production in the ovaries.

      I am seeing an accupuncturist every 6 weeks which I think really is helping and also having some counselling.  I will think about AD's or hormones if things don't improve on the fatigue and muscle front - these aspects don't really seem to come and go, they seem to be settling in a bit more. 

      This has just come at the wrong time for me - I was thinking another 5 years before changes that would maybe effect me (to be honest I had no idea what dropping hormones could do) I have read that stressefull events can perhaps make menopause more tricky or bring it on and I really feel this is me.  I just needed a break from a stressful few years before more stuff happening.

      I appreciate your reply and reading about your own journey, glad you have somewhat got yourself back x

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