Low Vitamin D
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Hi Ladies, like many of you I have had terrible symptoms that have gotten worse over the last couple of months. For example, I have had severe muscle, bone, and joint pain, hair loss, heart beating out of my chest, and anxiety, which I usually do not have a problem with. Also feeling like I can't catch my breath. went to my dr and explained my symptoms and how I was feeling so she ordered blood work. she thought it all sounded like symptoms of low vitamin d but wanted to be sure. well, sure enough my levels were extremely low. she prescribed vitamin d 50,000ui once a week and I can tell a difference in how I'm feeling. I just put it all down to peri but it was my vitamin d levels. imagine that! lol. anyway, apparently if you're low on it, it will cause all of these symptoms and more, and if you're going through peri the symptoms can be 10x worse if you have a deficiency in any of the vitamins and minerals. I just wanted to share my experience and hope that it helps some of you ladies that have not been able to get answers. the crashing fatigue is what made me return to the dr because I realized that I should not be this tired all the time! ask you pcp to check your vitamin D level because some drs do not check if you dont ask specifically. Good luck and hugs to all!
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JReady64 susane84679
I thought of vitamin D because I had read that low levels can cause a lot of these symptoms. my doctor checked and said it wasn't that low. it was at 16.9 and the low end of the range is 30. i asked why he didn't consider that low, and he said not low enough to cause any problems.. um..ok..
susane84679 JReady64
mine was 8. I kinda freaked when she told me what my # was. I can say that I feel so much better after taking it. I think I would maybe look for another Dr because clearly your levels are below normal and will definitely cause your symptoms. lots of luck and hugs 🙂
JReady64 susane84679
I wonder if that can cause all this buzzing and vibration I feel. we went to a Dallas Stars hockey game last night... a lot of noise..one beer..and I didn't sleep all night. Awful night struggling to fall asleep despite the very prominant buzzing.. Going to be a long day.
JReady64 susane84679
Having more blood work done tomorrow. tonight I'm having the strangest thing. I'm having shooting pains just into one toe and out of nowhere my toes, feet and legs are cramping like crazy..
susane84679 JReady64
yes it does cause that and rapid heart beat also. it feels like you have just run a marathon and you're sitting on the couch! I felt a difference after the second week. hang in there, it gets better!
Indifferent susane84679
I take vitamin D every winter...for that very reason. i wouldn't be able to get out of bed without it. It makes a huge difference. So does my woodstove for aches and pains
Kim1971 susane84679
Hi I've just had bloods come back the same.cannot explain the pain I've been in with bone joints ext. All of what you had. Really been getting me down anxiety so bad. The palpitations are awful. Been struggling at work. Doctor phoned this week and said I have vitamin d deficiency got to see her next week.. has taking this helped you alot? Really fed up and feeling down big hugs x
susane84679 Kim1971
hi Kim, I can tell a tremendous difference once I started taking it. I would have never thought that a vitamin deficiency could make you feel so horrible and give you so many awful symptoms. hang in there, it gets better! 😉
2chr2015 susane84679
thank you for sharing. i have my yearly check up next week. i am going to ask. i used to take vit d everyday and then i stopped about a year ago. i wonder if that is why i have been having some bone aches
nikkimols susane84679
Thank you!
My work colleague and I have been discussing my symptoms over the last few weeks. She has thought from the outset that I am lacking in vitamin D! This has only confirmed things, I am going to book an appointment at my doctors now!
susane84679 nikkimols
hi!, I hope you get answers. I feel like if I can help someone with what I found and they're having the same symptoms with no apparent reason, maybe vitaminD is all that's wrong. Drs dont test for it when they run CBC screenings. I am blessed with a Dr that was smart enough to put 2& 2 together. hugs to you!
2chr2015 susane84679
yes you are blessed. so many doctors are very dismissive about these symptoms.
does anyone get aches in their shin bones for no reason?
susane84679 2chr2015
yes, but mostly the front of my thighs ache and the muscles feel sore...
JReady64 susane84679
had my vitamin d level checked again and I'm up from 16.9 to 30..the very bottom of the normal range..so I'm going to continue the supplement to see if things improve more.
Woke up with a fingertip feeling numb and tingly... ..and it hasn't gone away yet. A new thing..
JReady64 susane84679
ok girls.. I had started the vitamin D to try to see if it would help and it actually seems to help. My level is up to 30 now and was feeling better. However, I'm gonna pull in my ears to the discussion because they were checked by an ENT early on and nothing was found.. I thought maybe I was having an ear problem when this all started.I noticed along the way somewhere that any day that I woke up on my right side that my right ear felt a little wet. But on those days that my ear was wet I felt so much better. . So much so that I made a point to turn over on my right ear for a while before I got up in the morning to see if it would drain a little. Fast forward to last Friday, the day that I had eye surgery. I haven't been allowed to lay down. I've had to sleep propped up which is hideously uncomfortable. Anyway, yesterday was one of the worst days ever for the dizziness. I hadn't been able to take the vitamin D for about 3 weeks and hadn't slept laying down in over a week. yesterday, I was afraid to even get off the couch it was so bad. I hadn't taken my vitamin D because the surgeon didn't want me taking anything other than Tylenol for various reasons. Well yesterday, I finally was able to take a vitamin D and I also gave up and went to bed and laid down to go to sleep last night because after over a week of not sleeping, I just couldn't do it anymore. Well I'm happy to report that today I woke up, my ear was very wet and I feel great. I'm not sure if it's the vitamin D or my ear draining or what but I'm going with those 2 things helping. The End.