Low white blood cell count
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Hi ladies its been a long time since ive posted on here but i read all of yours all the time. I have been miserable to say the least. I went for a physical a month ago and my pcp says everything is fine. I feel like im going psychotic and physically dying but he says im fine. My white blood cell count was flagged really low, 2.54, lower then it was the last time i had a physical in 2017 and even then it was flagged low at 3.36. Im at a loss, I feel worse whatever I eat or whatever supplements I try like its doing the complete opposite then making my body feel better. Has anyone else had a physical lately and had their wbc tested?
Its no wonder i feel like crap my immune system is shot:(
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nikki68193 susan39015
Hi Susan
I posted the exact same thing a couple of months back except my wbc wasn't as low as yours -mine was 3.4.
The upshot: I was referred to a haematologist but in the meantime I started taking iron liquid twice daily as guided by my GP.
By the time I had my appointment with the haematologist he said that it's quite common for a dip to be related to iron deficiency - although red cells are linked to iron, a lack thereof will affect wbc - I never knew. I'd been having really vile periods since the onset of perimenopause (a shorter cycle so bleeding more frequently, ridiculous flooding - you name it) so this no doubt had caused the dip in iron count and therefore wbc. I'd been taking the supplements for a couple of months by the time I had this appointment so when the haematologist ran the full count again everything was back within normal range. I have a follow-up with him next month and I will continue to take the iron daily to make sure the issue doesn't recur because like you, I'd been feeling totally drained, lifeless and I was picking up every cold and bug easily.
Can you ask your GP to refer you to haematology for a proper check?
Best of luck
susan39015 nikki68193
Hi Nikki thank you so much for the information! I think my pcp is so done with me:( Ive asked for so many tests but its worth a shot. Can i ask how you did taking the iron? I know everybody is different but i thought iron was constipating? Personal question i know im sorry.
susan39015 nikki68193
And i forgot to ask are you feeling better since taking the liquid iron?
nikki68193 susan39015
No need to apologise - happy to answer this.
I decided to take iron in a liquid form as my doc said it was kinder to the bowels than the tablets and since I have dreadful IBS this was just what I needed to hear.
It doesn't taste disgusting as one might imagine and I've not had any problems with it in the slightest.
Since taking it I've felt a big improvement and don't feel as "sickly" as before. I suffer with a chronic condition (I sound like a real walking sick note!) so I'll often have heightened fatigue and pain but this medicine has definitely taken the edge off.
Others I know who don't have my illness and have taken the liquid iron say that it makes a massive difference.
Hope this helps.
susan39015 nikki68193
Thank you for replying it does help:) Im glad its helped you feel better ❤
Guest susan39015
How can your doctor say your blood is fine, with flagged really low, 2.54 WBC. Years ago I had a low white blood cell count in the 4's and I had some really bad virus! Your doctor needs to figure out why yours WBC is so low. You could have a virus of some sort. What did your doctor say about it, if he said nothing then I would be calling him for an ask for him to explain it.
susan39015 Guest
Its always been on the low side but not this low. Ive been a wreck this past few years, over exercised cut out a lot of foods. Have always had a coating and awful bitter sour taste on my tongue. Anyway, because i havent been to him wth chronic infections or anything like that he says hes not concerned. I do have an eating disorder but i feel like i have awful gut health/dysbiosis that fuels it and its just taking over and everytime i try to eat something new its like my body rejects it. I have no appetite im only 108lbs but ive had abdominal ct, ultrasounds hes tested my magnesium, vt d and zinc levels and they come back normal. I get this awful pressure in my head/face, feel like im on a boat all the time, my sense of smell is so strong i feel like im being suffocated, awful vivid dreams and nightmares i wake up in a panic then I get up and go to work all day. I just cry because my family and dr think its just an eating disorder and anxiety and ive done this to myself. Im afraid to call my dr and ask him for anything else.
I thought when you have a virus or infection your wbc are high?
Guest susan39015
NOPE there are some viruses that actually lower your WBC so I was told was my case anyways! You don't want your WBC to bottom out to zero. I feel your doctor should follow up on that to see that it comes back up, which it may already be back up. Maybe you not eating enough and such . I know certain Anemia's and Lupus can lower it , A low white blood cell count in athletes is common. Are you real active? A normal range for adults is 5,000 to 10,000 per cubic millimeter. I do have all the symptoms you mentioned though, hormones sure do the most craziest and scariest things to us!