Lower Abdomen Pain- and no one knows why

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Hey guys. I just got back from the Doctors and I'm scrambling at any straws here that can explain my pain.

For the last year I've had severe lower abdominal pain. The pain can be mild to double-over-in-pain bad, but it's constant. It worsens when I eat. So for a while, I tried different diets. Vegan, Gluten Free, and no food at all. No food helps and I lost 40lbs and kept it off. I've seen a GI and had both an endoscopy and colonscopy-all came back healthy.

So I went down the list, what other organ is in the same area? So I went to my Gynocologist. PapSmear and ultrascan came back healthy.

So why am I in pain? There are no explanations besides I'm maybe going crazy?! 

I've lost weight, gone to a  pescatarian diet, don't drink soda, excersize 3 times a week, and no doctor can figure this out! I'm just at my wits end and am tired of this pain.


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15 Replies

  • Posted

    Has anyone ever said about ibs?should bring it to your drs attention...iv had bloods etc done and al clear just waiting on ultrasound results as once everything sinister is ruled out ibs can be diagnosed!can i ask what tour pain is like?
    • Posted

      I have brought that up for my IG. IBS does run in my family. Didn't know it's diagnosible, that's cool!

      But all blood samples and scopes came back clear. Is there another test that can done to diagnose it for sure?

      The pain differs days to day. Most of the time it's like a dull throbbing. And other times it's sharp and sudden. All located in the lower abdomen, sometimes to the left side right above the pelvic bone.

      Best of luck with your ultrasound results. Hope it gives you some answers! 

    • Posted

      Thank you so much wont know u til next week so very anxious..and anxiety is another factor of ibs!Sounds exactly like my pain almost like a stabbing pain and a heavyness in lower abdomen i also have lower back and flank pain!IBS is passed on from a family members as my mum and granny has it..there is no test to diagnose IBS but once everything else is ruled out thats when you can can get a diagnoses...hope this helps and tou finally get some answers i know how it feels as i feel as if im goin round in circles at times

      Best Wishes

    • Posted

      I'll defenitally will bring it up with my IG.

      Thanks again and best of luck!

  • Posted

    You really have my sympathy, it's awful when you're suffering but can't figure out what the cause is.

    I've also had lots of abdominal pain (as well as extreme Bloating and fatigue) and went through various diets to try help. Nothing did. I had an endoscopy which was normal but An ultrasound picked up a few fibroids but my doctor doesn't think that's the problem. The other thing they're looking into now is endometriosis and I'm getting a laporoscopy soon to see if that's what's going on. Having looked into endometriosis now it does seem to have many of the same symptoms as IBS. I wonder if this is a route worth looking at?

    While I have been waiting for the laporoscopy, I'm trying out the contraceptive pill to see if it helps. It's only been 3 weeks but the past 2 wks have probably been the best I've had in terms of my abdominal pain and bloating. It's not gone completely but it's definitely improved. I didn't have any major issues with my period.

    Do you have any other symptoms and do they change at all throughout the month?

    If you do have IBS the low fodmaps diet can help reduce symptoms. It's not a cute but just means your body has less of a specific carbohydrate that can cause issues. It doesn't help me but has been amazing for other people.

    I hope you find something that helps.

    • Posted

      Hi bettybetter i have had blood tests,stool sample and an ultrasound which was said to look ok...waiting to call my dr for full report on ultrasound,at the start i did think i had ibs as i was constipated with flank and lower back pain...but now when im on my period the pain in severe and now im thinking possible endo which i am going to speak to my dr about if ultrasound has been clear!i have lighter periods and sharp pain on and above pubic bone and sometimes dull period pain but without period is this anything you suffer from?
    • Posted

      that sounds very similar to what I experience. I always feel constipated, even when I know I am not actually constipated- it's just like I feel there is always something there. I get an exrutiating pain high up in back passage which thankfully I've not had too bad for a while. I also get lots of period pain type feelings- really low in my abdomen. 

      A laporoscopy is the only way to test for endo which is a bit of a pain but at least you would know. 

      I also had numerous blood tests and a stool sample (plus tests for heliobactor plyori, epstein barr, SIBO, lactose intolerance, coeliac disease) all led nowhere. My blood tests often show up with a few things being off- low white blood count and low Alk Phos have been quite consistent but the doctors haven't looked into this. 

      While the medical world hasn't been very helpful, I looked to other ways to help and have taken up mindfulness and yoga. I thought that whatever is going on, stress will make it worse and being in pain and feeling so ill was making me stressed. It definitely helps me deal with it all. 

    • Posted

      We're all together in gut-pain! smile

      Hmm, my IG didn't say anything about a laproscopy. But I'm guessing since the endoscopy and colonoscopy came back clear, she didn't want to bother.

      I have the Merina IUD (best invention EVER!) so it's hard to see if the monthly cycle is a part of it, since I haven't had a period in like...3 years.

      Is the low fodmaps a low carb diet? The blood test came back A-OK for gluten (so no Cileac Disease luckily). But I'm happy to try anything out! I'm over 1 year free of red meat. Just the thought of a hamburger makes me sick to my stomach so I'm quiet happy with that decision! 

      Hope your laporoscopy goes well and give you some answers!

  • Posted

    Ask for a ctscan with contrast. They put a line in and you drink something before that. The line stays in while the scan is being done.

    Before that I had an ultrasound which picked up nothing.

    The ct scan with contrast picked up heaps of things. 

    These included:

    1. Gallstones

    2. Diverticula

    3. Small right renal cyst

    4. Granula within the spleen...a small splenic artery aneurism

    5. Slight bulging of the abdomen...pre hernia 

    The point I am making is that this is the way to pinpoint the cause of your pain. In my case, they felt it was either or both the gallstones and the diverticula.

    • Posted

      That's a very good idea!

      I've been going one organ to the next trying to pin-point it, but this way will show everything!

      I will most defenitally talk to my PCP about it, thanks!

  • Posted

    Hi Eliza

    I've had the same symptoms

    Stomach ultrasound (gallbladder, liver, stomach all clear)

    Blood and urine all clear

    It's frustrating that no medical professionals can't determine what's causes this as I've read a lot of forums, articles about this, I'm starting to think it's all STRESS/ANXIETY (even so I still want to know what's going on with my stomach tho, lol)

    Personally, when im eating and stress, my stomach works harder to digest my food and I get pain in my Lower or upper right abdomen thru the back.

    Things that helped me

    Don't eat anything hot or cold. Don't eat when your stress. Go for walk after eating. Don't drink anything while eating. Have ginger root tea with camomile after eating. One tsp of manuka honey 30 mins before meals (this can sooth your stomach lining). Eat a healthy (avoid soda, anything fried, any spices etc) Eat smaller meals a day (digest your food properly before swallowing) Have apples and or banana everyday smile

    I wish you all the best, CB

    • Posted

      Stress, yeah I hear ya! smile

      Thank you so much!

  • Posted

    had lower abdominal pains too just last week.. went to the Ob to check my ovaries.they were fine so that leaves me with the digestive system..constant flatulence and blaoting..had constipation too.. eating papaya was my remedy..however we just transfered to a new home and I can't find the fruit.. I am having trouble again defecating... hope you can try CTscan, and try to eat papaya too... it will flush out toxins and excess waste from the digestive system.
    • Posted

      Fresh papaya is hard to find in my area too. I can find dried papaya at my local Sprouts or Whole Foods. 

      I will try to add that more to my diet!

      If your having a hard time with constipation, I highly reccomend Smooth Move tea by Traditional Medicines. It come in both Peppermint and Chamomile flavor. It's much easier on the tummy and works as well as the laxitive pills without the harshness of chemicals.

      Best of luck and thanks!

  • Posted

    I wondered if you have found anything out yet. I too suffer from lower abdominal pain for four months now. I have had two ct scans with contrast, an x-ray and ultrasound and blood tests. All normal. But what interests me is that you too have Mirina. My obgyn has assured me mines in perfect place and couldn't be causing me this pain. Yet I have read it can be the cause of endometriosis. At least your doctors are still looking. After being passed to five doctors they told me to take Aleve and go back to my obgyn if it seems to go around my period. And like you I dont have one so thats not helpful at all.

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