Lower back ache -grrr!!!!
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Hi ladies I am writing this evening as for 3 or 4 days now I have had lower back ache and also achcy right hand side that drones on and on.
As always I have built this up in my mind and now panicking I have all sorts of things. I got so worried I can't concentrate and ended up crying my eyes out yesterday with worry. I am taking pain killers which relieves it but it's the anxiety! I am so not myself and it also makes me so sad.
I had a trans vaginal scan yesterday to check my ovaries which I'm hoping all will be ok for. I also had a urine test recently that had a trace of blood in -although doc said that was normal as us menopausal ladies usually have blood going on somewhere down there. Soon I'm paranoid I have some sort of problem! I'm having a retest once I'm not bleeding (note no periods since Jan this years but my body decided to start one the day before my scan!!!).
Sorry ladies -I know some of you have so much more on your plate but I could really do with a little reassurance if pos? Is body aching/back ache general side aches etc another common menopause problem? Why can't I stop worrying?? At night I just toss and turn as I just can't get comfy and my mind goes crazy with what it might be!
Thank you for listening and sorry to go on xxxxx
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gentleballads louise25018
body aches, back aches are so common in peri and meno experiences. it was the first symptom for me, the other severe symptoms came much later but i didnt know at that time i was in peri. i got my back x rayed but it didnt show anything significant. then the ache kept moving --- sometimes it went up to the shoulders but mostly stayed down below. when the other severe symptoms came later i started researching and then put 2 and 2 together.
for anxiety breathing exercises work really well....keep doing them till it becomes involuntary
louise25018 gentleballads
Thanks again Hun and hope your symptoms are now getting better?
Lou xxx
Coralsue3 louise25018
I also get the lower back pain and right side pain. It comes and goes along with a lot of other Peri symptoms. I find a heating pad helps. Good luck to you.
louise25018 Coralsue3
Coralsue3 louise25018
debbie75601 louise25018
Coralsue3 debbie75601
Guest louise25018
louise25018 Guest
Guest louise25018
pinkcatfairy louise25018
Isnt this health anxiety awful it makes you feel so alone in the dead of night, so far i think i have had stomach cancer, skin cancer and a brain tumour, the anxiety now has made me anxious doing everyday things. Aches and pains are so common in peri/meno the other day my shoulders ached so much the pain almost made me breathless, but the day before i had physically over exerted myself at work. I get leg pain and cramps at night and previously had hip pain. x
louise25018 pinkcatfairy
Ooo it's exhausting ! I hope you have a good day hunni - best to just take it one day at a time I think anyway as it can all get iverwhelming otherwise.
Take care xxx
Guest louise25018
pinkcatfairy louise25018