Lower Back Burning Pain
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Has anyone ever experience lower back burning pain? I usually get this but it has been severe for the past few days. I know my period due is near so I don't know if it's related to that or what?
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amanda61268 mary27278
just read your message about burning back pain during menopause
im 51 and been on perimenopause now for nearly 4 years i havent seen a period for nearly 9months now hopefully they have stopped ive also experienced burning
pain at bottom of my back it comes and goes its has if im being wrapped in an electric blanket around the bottom of my back
regards amanda
mary27278 amanda61268
Hi Amanda,
I am in perimenopause and this is when I started the burning. When it first started burning it wasn't so bad but now it's worse. I do have a stomach issue also where sometimes it starts from lower stomach and goes to the lower back. Sometimes it's either one or the other.
Around the period time it's when it's severe.
Did you get it during perimenopause or just menopause?
amanda61268 mary27278
are you still seeing your monthlys? i have that many symptoms
mary from emotional to the feeling that im going to come on my period but never do the night sweats be glad when it all comes to an end we women have to go alot really im sure we will come out of it ok
regards amanda
mary27278 amanda61268
Hi Amanda
Yes I'm still having my monthly. So far I haven't missed but if completely stopping would make me feel better than I'm ready.
Are you taking anything to help you?
I have an consultation with a natural health consultant but not until 8/24. So far away.
amanda61268 mary27278
no im not taking anything i dont believe in taking hrt causes problems later in life and it only delays your menopause think its best to let nature take its cause its hard sometimes feel like you are going crazy with all of the symptoms i can cope with the flushes but its the days when im feeling really down because of my hormones and no one can understand until they have been through it hope you feel better soon
regards amanda
mary27278 amanda61268
Hi Amanda
I'm taking the biodentical (natural progesterone pill) . To be honest, I don't know if it's working or not. Ive only been taking it going on three weeks now. Some days seem to be working than others symptons are the same. Overall, my anxiety has decreased alot, don't really know if it's from it. I can say that the perimenopause symptons have gotten better . The major problem is my stomach issue ( gastritis) which are triggering the symptons . If it could just go away..i would feel so much better.
I understand what you mean about feeling like you are going crazy. Some days I feel like I can't do this no more. I'm praying and hoping this too shall pass real soon. I don't think I can go years like this.
Are you taking vitamins or any type of supplements?
I've heard that vitamin b complex is good for moods, stress and energy. I'm going to try it but have to find one that's gentle on stomach.