Lower back pain

Posted , 6 users are following.

Hello everyone 

I have been in this forum since long time ago and got some perfect feedback about some issues that I had from the great community of this website. I appreciate it and thought it'd be the best to discuss it here first. So to get straight to the point.

Since Thursday 3 of May I had a basketball training and during the game while playing I felt some pain on my waist, on the back but on the 'right' side. It was probably caused from some harsh or sudden move I suppose. The level of the pain is not that intense, it's like average but so far it hasn't stopped. I don't feel any pain when I'm just standed or seated or when I don't move. Just when I bend my waist or while waking, the movement of my right leg like when it makes the 'wide' motion of the 'walking' move while moving forward for example. Or even with smaller steps at home sometimes. I suspect that it might be a muscle strain but what kind of treatment should I follow? 

All the advices and suggestions are greatly appreciated. Thank you very much in advance biggrin

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    I suppose because you were playing a pretty hectic sport when you originally felt it then it's probably muscular, you should see a doctor if it gets worse or hasn't cleared with OTC or home remedies, but as it's Sunday you could try ice or heat or even both, not at the same time LOL have you taken any meds as in paracetamol or ibuprofen etc.

    Hope it eased off soon

    • Posted


      I haven't taken any meds or implement any physical excercise. Actually I went to play basketball 2 more times since then to see if it gets fixed from getting into action again but nothing happened. What is OTC? And should I put some heating salve that I have?

    • Posted

      OTC means over the counter, meaning you don't need prescriptions, you in UK or USA, yes you could try some pain relief gel or put maybe hot cloths or pack of peas and alternate it.

      Some gentle stretching could maybe help as well

  • Posted

    Hello Bill, it may not be muscular since your pain starts in the lower right back but moves into your leg when you walk or try to blend your waist. In my opinion it is coming from the sciatic nerve. This type of injury is most commonly seen in powerlifters, even though it can happen in any other sport due to a bad move, as you already said.

    The best way is to take some anti-inflammatory pills, rest and do some stretches to liberate the sciatic nerve. Here are a phew stretches that you can use to improve your pain.

    Hope it helps! Tell me about your progress.

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  • Posted

    Pain form harsh or sudden move normally fully recovers within a week if there is no serious internal damage. If your pain persists for more than a week, It's advisable that you immediately see a physician and follow his/her advice. You may use some over the counter gel or, pain killer for temporary relief. Wish you all the best.

    With Regards,


    Lees Lane Nursery, Lees Lane, Dalton, Parbold, Wigan WN8 7RB, United Kingdom

    +44 1257 464164

  • Posted

    Hey bill, due to the location of the origin of pain I too believe it may be due to the sciatic nerve. An injury to the sciatic nerve can come with shooting lower extremity pain. I see this type of injury a lot with all forms of athletes. My advice for now would be managing the pain with OTC's and a rehabilitation program. These can be found online, "The sports medicine patient advisor" is a great rehab program with plenty of at home stretches. I would also try an anti-inflammatory medication like ibuprofen or naproxen. If the pain continues to worsen consider seeing a primary care physician. Best of luck.

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