Lower back pain
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Hi ladies, Do any of you have lower back pain/stifness. Ive had lower back ache and stifness plus Achilles tendonitis on and off for years now but didnt connect it to my hormones until recently when I realised whenever my back ache is bad so is my tendonitis then when it eases off so does my tendonitis so it must be hormone fluctuations surely. Thurs afternoon though I had the worst lower back pain ive ever had that came on whilst standing in a que in a shop and is slightly better but still causing me trouble but Im thinking is it hormones because ive been quite regular apart from my periods lasting longer but last month I had no period this month I had brown spotting for 4 days and now nothing but this back and ankle pain. Is the pain worse now because my period is messed up? Im so fed up with this pain ☹️ btw my tendonitis was caused by a sports injury 20 years ago but think hormones cause flareups.
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gailannie sarah05599
Hello Sarah,
While there is very little information from studies on this, I would throw my money on hormones causing the problems you're experiencing. The closer I got to menopause, the more stiffness, back pain, and wide spread muscle and ligament pain, I experienced. Many women complain about just this sort of thing. I wound up seeing at least 12 doctors to see if they could explain this odd pain. Not one person asked about changes in my periods cycles, or if I'd hit menopause. But I can say without doubt, for me, it was related.
klm1213 gailannie
I can completely relate! I didn't have any joint or muscle pain until all of this peri crap started. my left knee is absolutely killing me and I don't think it's a coincidence that I'm about to start my period!!
sarah05599 gailannie
I was telling my friend about it and she said she feels like shes being cut in half when she bends over b4 her period then it goes when her period comes so defo think it must be hormones or at least hormones aggrevate existing conditions and injurys, I just wish the docs were more sympathetic and helpful but unfortunately mine arnt so I feel its a waste of time going and suffer with all these different symptons in silence but it shouldnt be like that in this day and age.
nicky98482 sarah05599
i have suffered with excrutiating pain in my feet on and off which the docs couldnt explain. In the end one doctor told me that it was gout, even though it was not in an actual joint. I have come to the conclusion that it is menopause related.
Clare1971 sarah05599
i have a pain in my side at certain times of the month been to drs said it was muscular ... i give up with drs . i will just suffer