Lower back pain after laparoscopic myomectomy

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Hi I am 3 weeks post laparoscopic myomectomy. Few days after surgery I started noticing my lower back ache. The pain is in the middle, by the tailbone. Pain can sometimes also travel to my right leg. And also the pain is a lot worse when I walk or sit for over 5 minutes.

Unfortunately I can't take anti-inflammatory because I get a lot of diarreah from just 200mg. So I've been using a heating pad and just sitting.

Anyone had the same experience? What is causing this? Will this go away? What can I do to make the pain subside?

Any help is greatly appreciated !

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Jessica, 

    I am so sorry to know of your backache. It is highly disturbing and discomfortimng. Please, do not be late in contacting your ohysician because after a aparoscopic myomectomy this pain indicates something wrong inside. In normal conditions you would only feel some tenderness and tiredness but not this severe pain from just 5 minutes sittingor walking. 

    You need a sincere checkup from your doctor to find out the cause of pain.

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    • Posted

      Hmm I have consulted my doctor. Actually both my OBgyne and general practitioner state it's normal. They said its because of the swelling and it's a part of the healing process. I also did blood work two days ago and bloodwork showed no infection. Just some inflammation. The pain lessens with my heating pad so I'm thinking its tight inflamed muscles.

      My OBgyne told me to walk more also. She didn't seem concerned.

      Should I contact her again? The pain doesn't happen all the time either. Today it was bad. Yesterday it wasn't nearly as bad. Not sure why though.

    • Posted

      Also. This is just lower back. My abdomen has no pain and my incisions are healing quite well.

    • Posted

      Thank you so much for your concern!
    • Posted

      Hi again,

      If you have consulted your doctor and there is nothing serious to worry abput then please increase protien in your diet. Ithelps in healing fast. There is a xenturies old hack for any pain or inflammationin your uterus which has always worked with me and my family female members. I am writing it for you here. Try it once and if does some good repeat it once or twice.


      One level tea spoon ginger powder

      One top table spoon butter or pure ghee

      One big mug of fresh milk.

      one table spoon sugar

      Powdered almonds one table spoon 


      Heat the butter'ghee in a small pot on low fire. Add in it the ginger powder and almond powder. Stir for one minute only not more. It needs to get mixed with butter and heated but not become brown. Add milk and sugar and stir. Do not boil but only heat it. Turn off the fire and pour the milk while stiring into a mug so that all the contents get poured in the cup. Now keep mixing with a table spoon and sipping it. 

      Ginger heals the inner inflammation in a very short time. But if you have peptic ulcer do not useit. 

      I hope it heps you decrease the pain instantly. It is my favorite way to get rid of cramps and pain after child birth and it always works perfectly fast. 

      Wish you best of the luck 



  • Posted

    Hi Jessica

    Sorry to know you are in pain. I had a hysteroscopy myomectomy which I think is similar to yours but I also had a open myomectomy in the same day. What I noticed for the first few days was sever pain in the exact place you mention, right at the tailbone. For me this backache was more trouble than where I had incisions. And swelling. It subsided after a week and gradually eased off in the 2nd week and I was told it's not unusual but is expected after such procedure. I would however, consult your doctor just to be sure and it will put your mind at rest. All

    The best xx

    • Posted

      Thank you! Hmm I have consulted my doctor. Actually both my OBgyne and general practitioner state it's normal. They said its because of the swelling and it's a part of the healing process. I also did blood work two days ago and bloodwork showed no infection. Just some inflammation. The pain lessens with my heating pad so I'm thinking its tight inflamed muscles. Weird because during the first 2 weeks it wasn't as bad. Now it seems to be worse. Perhaps my abdominal muscles are weak and not supporting my lower back?

      My OBgyne told me to walk more also. She didn't seem concerned. The pain doesn't happen all the time either. Today it was bad. Yesterday it wasn't nearly as bad. Not sure why though.

  • Posted


    it's been 8 weeks post op open myomectomy surgery. the doctor never told me of the dangers of back pain or I wouldn't have done this surgery. I have really bad lower back pain in my tail bone but I still am teaching yoga. I may use a tensor unit to pulse signals to short circuit pain. I had a Healy device but it's currently out of commission. I'm going to start acupuncture next week so I hope it will help. the all over body pain is terrible. I have never had pain like this in my life.

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