Lower Back & Stomach Pain
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Hi there,
I've had recurring stomach pain for about 2 months now. It tends to get a little worse after I've eaten, and comes and goes in waves. I am never in excruciating pain, and I contine to cycle, play tennis/squash etc without too many problems. Actually, it feels better after some excercise. The other symptom I have though is a very painful lower back. At first I thought it was just related to excercise, but it hasn't gone away. I wake up each day with a very sore and stiff lower-back, and I am starting to wonder if my stomach issue is related to that.
I've been to the doctor a couple of times and have had differing results. Initially they did an X-Ray and told me that it was wind!! Next time they said there was a stomach virus going around, and my symptoms were similar to many other people. Most recently I've had tests for parasites/bacteria which were negative, and Heliobacteria, which was also negative.
My weight hasn't changed, my appetite is still good, I am not being sick either. My bowel movements haven't been great though, sometimes they are fine, other times they are closer to diahorrea. But no blood or anything like that.
Has anyone had anything similar to this, or know what it could be?
Thanks! Ori
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laurab68 Orias
Have you been tested for lactose intolerance?
Orias laurab68
I've never been tested for lactose interolance, no. But I am not a big dairy fan anyway to be honest. I have milk in tea and coffee, and I haven't touched cheese for about 30 years! I do have yogurts and some actimel (or similar) casei drinks from time to time though.
Thanks for your reply
lynne69494 Orias
Orias lynne69494
I've had similar back pain before, and sciatic issues, but they have usually gone after a week or so. This time it's not going! I can still play sports etc once it's warmed up a bit, but bending over to pick something up 'from cold' can be a struggle.
lynne69494 Orias
Fireid13 Orias
Fireid13 Orias
The X-rays show that I have a slight deviation in my lower-spine, but that's nothing serious or rare. He did say that it could enhance some types of back pain, but that it wasn't a problem.
Thankfully though, everything else showed up as "perfect". Kidneys, Liver, Gall Bladder and all the various blood supplies to heart etc. Everything was fine, so I guess that's good news. There were quite a lot of dark patches in there, which was gas, so I've got some medication to deal with that. The stomach is still not great, but I think it's getting a little better now that some of the stress has subsided.
I am still wondering whether there is something that I am intolerant to all of a sudden, and whatever I am eating/drinking it causing this endless cycle. If this month-long course of pills I am on now doesn't work, that might be my next stop!