Lower left abdomen and hip pain, please help!

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Hello all

I really need some advice please. I'm a 42 year old male and I've been suffering on and off with discomfort in my lower left flank, inner upper thigh and hip for about 2 years now. I'll give you all the information I can regarding what's been investigated so far so hopefully this can rule out some possibilities. 

In December 2013 I had a burning feeling in the left of my groin area and burning when I urinated. I went straight to the dr who did a dipstick urine test which showed nothing unusual but I was put on a course of antibiotics which did nothing. During this time the pain became more dull but extended up my left flank and on going back to the dr he did a blood test to check levels for prostate cancer which came back normal (low). He also checked bloods for calcium levels which I assume was to investigate possible kidney stones. He also sent me off for a kidney ultrasound which was again normal. As the pain continued the next procedure I had was a CT scan on my kidneys, ureta and bladder which showed nothing untoward. After this I was referred to urology who preformed a cystoscopy and they found a small "polyp" in my bladder which they said looked benign and they booked me in to have it removed. That was done and it was indeed benign! All of this time I had the constant dull pain with particular tender points being the last couple of lower ribs in my back and my hip bone. I would also get occasional hip pain.

After my operation to remove the polyp in my bladder the pain was just as bad but during the next couple of months it subsided to the point where it had gone. Great I thought but then since then I have had episodes where the pain has returned and recently it has been more regular. 

I must add that I have very regular (like clock work) bowel movements and these are always as they should be, no hard or loose stools.

over the months the pain seems to have become more situated in my hip - on the outside so I'm wondering if it may be muscular skeletal!? There seems to be no rhyme or reason to as and when the pain occurs, it's always worse during the day/evening and better in the morning.

Im really hoping someone may be able to shed some light on my systoms and give me some reassurance.

Many thanks in advance

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    You haven't said what kind of work you do or whether you do any sports.  Are you carrying any excess weight? As the pain is better in the morning, after you have rested, it could be something orthopedic. Or it could be something inflammatory like bursitis. Have your doctors done any blood tests checking for inflammation, to see if your ESR levels are elevated? Or you may have a skeletal misalignment of some kind.  Have you considered visiting a chiropractor? I'm not a doctor - just a few suggestions of things to consider.
    • Posted

      Thanks for the reply. I don't do any strenuous work - in fact it's office work so I am sitting down a lot of the day. I make a point of bein more active at the weekends. I am carrying a little extra weight - probably about a stone heavier than my ideal weight. I have considered bursitis and maybe sciatica - the pain can be across my lower back so I don't know if either of those conditions can cause pain in that area. I haven't had bloods done for ESR so that's something I will mention to my GP. I have regularly visited a chiropractor but in all honestly I hasn't made a noticeable difference. 
    • Posted

      Could it be something fairly simple to do with posture at work: a less than ergonomic chair, twisting your torso to look at a computer screen situated on one side of your desk? It could be a trapped nerve somewhere not necessarily in the part of the body that hurts. Even a mattress that needs replacing or just turning can cause pain. I don't want to trivialise your symptoms but sometimes the culprit can be in the things we use and do. Did the chiropractor take xrays?
    • Posted

      Yes I do agree, simply because I don't always suffer with the discomfort. I do have a good ergonomic chair at work and we have recently changed to a new mattress but that's not to say that either of those things can't be causing the problem. No, the chiropractor hasn't taken X-rays recently. She did take some a few years ago but this was due to a problem I was having with my neck at the time. I can't help but worry that it may be a kidney problem but would you think that as the first problems were over 2 years ago that my condition would have shown up other symptoms by now?
    • Posted

      Neck problems can cause problems lower down so that might be something to investigate.

      I don't know about kidney problems. Your tests were negative before but it was two years ago ... Are there any urinary symptoms? Pain, frequency, cloudiness, blood? I think kidney pain would be more persistent and extreme but, as I say, I'm not a doctor.

    • Posted

      No, no urinary symptoms other than discomfort in that area as I've always had on and off. No cloudiness. My GP took a urine sample to send off to test so I don't know the results of that yet - I think he feels there's still a possibility its urinary related but he may be ruling out that last possibility before he starts to investigate other possibilities. 

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