Lower pelvic problems years after total hysterectomy

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I had a hysterectomy and ovaries removed about 2-3 years ago. The surgeries were done separate. I had endometriosis , sagging uterus, endometrioma in one ovary, and a huge cyst that burst through the other ovarian wall. About 6 months ago I had my gallbladder removed as well. Within the last few weeks I have started having lower pelvic cramping and a bloated stomach. I have also experienced what feels like something is coming out of my behind during intercourse. (Sorry I know that is tmi) I also have issues with small amounts of leakage of stool. Only a little amount on my underwear every now and then. I recently had some bright red loose stool. I plan to contact my doctor with these issues but it is the weekend and with COVID-19 it’s harder to receive medicine help. I also want to mention that I have a small Mass in my liver that my gastro routinely checks. They believe it could be a hemangioma. I was just looking for some insight or stories of people who have had similar issues/symptoms. I am a 29 year old female. I also had 4 c sections.

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    feeling very sad for you that you are facing a lot. is there anything you did in your childhood which resulted in this all? i mean may be you ate much of the salty thing or bitter things etc etc

    • Posted

      Nothing that i can think of. I always just refer to myself as the "runt" of the family. I personally believe that i may have an undiagnosed autoimmune disease. i suffer with hair loss as well.

  • Edited

    you you may have to have a rectocele I had the bladder put backup in place but I didn't have to have the other part done but that's what it sounds like you can also Google leakage of bowel and it will tell you

  • Posted

    you you may have to have a rectocele I had the bladder put backup in place but I didn't have to have the other part done but that's what it sounds like you can also Google leakage of bowel and it will tell you

  • Posted

    you you may have to have a rectocele I had the bladder put backup in place but I didn't have to have the other part done but that's what it sounds like you can also Google leakage of bowel and it will tell you

  • Posted

    I had my Total Vaginal Hysterectomy with Bilateral Salpingo-Oophrectomy via Laser Laparoscopy done back in July of 2017. I had also suffered from Endometriosis and Fibroids my entire adult life and also had two normal vaginal deliveries. I had also had three laser laparoscopies for my Endo between 1986 and 1998. I then had my Gallbladder removed via Laser Laparoscopy in January of 2019.

    I can honestly say these surgeries were the best things I ever did for myself(not counting my LASIK and dentures:). No complications or problems EXCEPT that my IBS has gotten worse and more unpredictable with increasing looser stools to the point of Bowel Incontinence.

    I just wanted to share our similarities as FYI to you and I am now 54. Susanne Nashville, Tennessee.

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