Lower right abdominal pain

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For a week now I have been having a lower right abdominal pain. It's always there but comes on stronger for unknown reasons at any time. It's like a cramping pain. It's been so bad at times I'll be on the floor crying and I have a good pain threshold! Last Tuesday I went to the doctors, she did a pregnancy test (negative) and booked me in for a transvaginal ultra sound next day this is because in February I suffered the same pain and I had had a cyst on my ovarie that had ruptured and was bleeding into my belly! However the scan did not show anything! Thursday morning I was still in agony so went back to the doctors and she said just keep taking ibuprofen and go to a&e if it gets worse! Thursday evening I went to a&e and after a few hours of waiting was told I had ibs and to go back to my doctors to book in for a colonoscopy (he also gave me cocodamol) Friday I went to the doctors to book in for the colonoscopy when she said you don't have ibs you've got a urine infection. She gave me macrobid antibiotics. By Sunday I was still in agony! The pain had reached round to my lower right back! antibiotics nor cocodamol were helping! I rang 111 to see if they could direct me in the right way. They got me an emergency doctors appointment at hospital. He tested my urine and told me I didn't have a urine infection and that I should go home and keep taking pain killers or go to a&e to get blood tested. I went straight to a&e! They tested my blood and nothing was there. They were suspicious of appendicitis. I also saw a gynaecologist and he couldn't work out what was wrong either! I got ambulanced off from that hospital to another early hours of Monday morning. I saw several doctors who couldn't work out what was wrong. I went for an ultrasound to have a look at my appendix and kidneys ovaries etc.. everything was fine! They kept me in over night for assessment and the next day I was discharged they have given me codeine and laxatives. None of this is working and I am still in pain!!! I was wondering if anyone on here has had the same issue or knows what this could be!!

I have been opening my bowels and passing urine completely fine no blood or burning or anything!

I only feel sick and get sweats when I have severe cramps.

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    Was your gallbladder checked on the ultrasound since you have right sided pain? Have you had a HIDA scan to check how the gallbladder is working?
    • Posted

      Not that I'm aware! I didn't have a HIDA scan. Could this be the problem?

    • Posted

      You could ask for a report on your ultrasound to see if your gallbladder was scanned or ask your doctor to find out if it was.  Your doctor will also have the paperwork. Right sided pain can be associated with gallbladder problems and especially if you have pain between both your shoulder blades or your right shoulder blade along with severe stomach pain. It may be worthwhile checking this since everything else has come back normal.
    • Posted

      I haven't had pain there though it's only been on my lower right side no where near rib cage and pain is only in right lower back

    • Posted

      Have you been tested for H pylori and have you had any change in the frequency or consistency of your bowel movements?  IBS could be a possibility if everything else is normal.  I would also push for an endoscopy and colonoscopy to get any problems ruled out there.

      Have you tried a food diary to see if any food is causing pain?  Have you eaten anything that you would not normally eat?  What about any medications you are on? 

    • Posted

      I'm not sure what I was tested for! bowel movements completely normal.

      I've been eating normally.

      Don't take any medications apart from what they've given me which is codeine which isn't work and is now giving me tightening chest pains.

      It's a never ending cycle.

    • Posted

      Would a gall bladder problem cause LOWER right sided abdominal cramping pain?

      My girl is in chronic constant lower abdominal right sided pain (as many here know by now, haha) and the gall bladder visually (MRI, laparoscopy) fine, a HIDA scan never suggested therefore and also told, that location was not the spot.

    • Posted

      Perhaps ask to see gastroenterologist or change your doctor if you still can't get help.  I would still consider a food diary in case you have a food intolerance and don't realise it.

    • Posted

      Did you find out what she has? Are her symptoms the same as mine? I'm still in pain and it's nearly 2 weeks now since it started. I've even been to see a homeopath and she didn't know what was wrong! I'm in desperate need to find out what's wrong and the right treatment rather than chucking all these pain killers down my throat!

    • Posted

      Intermittent episodes for 4 months,

      now chronic and 24/7 for 1.5 years!

      Her pains:

      severe abominal very localised right lower side cramping (10-30 second on/off intervals), can put finger on it!, rolling her up in a ball when severe, able to walk very slowly if moderate.

      Physical activity always triggered the episodes or worsening of moderate to severe cramping. Odd, isn't it.

      Constipation, never diarrhea.

      Pain not better if constipation tackled successfully with laxatives.

      Mild fever, sometimes facial flushing/blocked nose (mast cells come to mind),

      nausea, vomiting different severeness,

      but never gone, currently upon lying down instant retching (hernia?). (gastroparesis confirmed in gastric emptying study)

      Multiple diets useless, except for going low fiber and avoid meat and graininess of grains, that make it worse, but nothing makes it better.

      Sudden appearance of 1000s of striae from top to ankles without massive weight fluctuation.

      Cramping staying even after a picosalax clean out for colonoscopy, so is not the constipation re pain.

      Pain not better after toilet. 

      Side effects: FOB or visible blood on stool due to straining.

      Sorry to slash hope here a bit, we didn't think it wouldn't go away ever either.

      But it is very rare.

      Life has turned into a sad window watching, hardly school or social life, but replaced by pain and a financial disaster.

      Went to ER 4 times, even rcommended by physician, only pumped full with narcotics, checked electrolytes and went home since obviously not dying, just in agony.

      She is diagnosed with hEDS (connective tissue disorder), gastroparesis and borrelia.

      Her MRI clearly showes an elongated, thin, hanging transverse colon but the radiologist did not mention it even. Pointing pic (as I always have all imaging and results as a copy) out to gastroenterologist who says 'some have that, no problem'. 

      I am currently trying to find a gut motility center and hopefully get a colonic transit study, that will prove something.

      First been through the normal usual mill of

      scopes, appendectomy, useless pelvic ultrasounds,

      bouncing to gynecologist who bounces back to gastroenterologist and taking 1.5 years to find out, that a gastroenterologist is not a motility expert even they trial gastroparesis drugs (that did not help), none would refer to a special motility department or doc! ......

      Of course a 'cyst' must be the reason in the untrained eye of a gastroenterologist, the normal 2cm luteal cyst wasn't there when symptoms started and long gone now (actually on continuous bc pill to avoid additional mens pains) and gynecologist can just laugh about. Duh.

      One has to be terribly proactive yourself. You know best!

      You will need to go through the mainstream mill 

      to narrow down possibilities as there are so many and do exist.

      You need to observe what makes it better, or has no impact.

      (We see a naturopathic trained western doc additionally for avoiding side effects of malabsorbtion and stress, got blood tested first (copper, zinc, vitamine levels) to not throw in contraindicated supplements. With homoeopathy I am not a big friend since I don't understand the work mechanism of diluted substances in water so much, that it is not there anymore. I like herbs, chemicals, minerals, but not homoepathy. Again self healing and belief is a huge huge gain, so it might work for those, who believe in it. I don't, since I made homoepathic diluted medicine....We also tried acupuncture and the lot, but not successful)

      Best of luck!! Take care!

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