Lpr acid reflux, indigestion and pain under left ribcage

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Hi please comment and share your experiences. All of my tests including blood, h pylori, vit d, vit b12, celiac disease have come back normal. Endoscopy still waiting biopsy results but at initial tests looked fine. on and off i I have suffered very bad. My symptoms have varied so much over the time causing alot of confusion. A few of the doctors have said my swallowing problems are only in my head. I have a sore throat that never goes away. The swallowing has gotten somewhat better. I have pain under my ribcage. At time I cant digest even simplest of food. Since October 2019 I have been on bland soft diet strictly. i take digestive enzymes, also probiotics capsules, and eat probiotic yogerts. IHavevt eaten late since October 2019 ie allowing minimum of 3 hours before bed. I sleep on bed with raised bedhead. Still dont feel normal. For example yesterday i ate very bland broccoli and cabbage soup and it felt like sitting in my stomach for many hours, belching, slight burning, bloating very uncomfortable. Today the pain under left ribcage has come back again. My pancreatic function has been declared ok from blood test. Why cant i digest food as normal anymore. I don't drink and have never smoked in my life. Please share your experiences if similar to mine. Since this corona spread everything is on halt. I pray for everyone to stay safe. Oh forgot to say the breathing problems that really scare me.

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18 Replies

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    forfor one thing if you have irritable bowel broccoli and cauliflower and cabbage are very hard to digest and very gassy no matter how done they are cooked they are gassy

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    forfor one thing if you have irritable bowel broccoli and cauliflower and cabbage are very hard to digest and very gassy no matter how done they are cooked they are gassy

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    forfor one thing if you have irritable bowel broccoli and cauliflower and cabbage are very hard to digest and very gassy no matter how done they are cooked they are gassy

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    hello..sorry your having problems. If it's just really bad acid reflux try a pinch (not a lot) of baking soda in a cup of water before bed on an empty stomach. If symptoms do not go away within a few weeks or you think it's not helping then of course stop. Im not a doctor but I've healed my acid reflux in a couple of weeks with baking soda. Another problem it could be is low stomach acid. You could mix a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in water about 30 minutes before a meal to see if you digest properly. I wouldn't eat gassy foods. I'd stick to broth, potatoe, rice...super easy to digest foods...soluable fiber foods. Hang in there! hope this helps and try not to worry... it makes things so much worse. God be with you!

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      Hi thanks for your advice. I am really scared to use apple cider vinegar as I have very painful throat. I will try baking soda indeed. sometimes i feel I have low stomach acids due to food not digesting and causing so much discomfort. I am reading Dr Aviv,s acid watcher diet and he has scared me of apple cider vinegar. This pain under rib cage and breathing problems scare me. stay blessed and stay safe everyone.x

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      never eat any sour or acidic food. it can worsen acid reflux and shortness of breath. I am going through the same problem you have. few days ago i ate some spicy food because once i loved to eat it. but after eating my situation is worse. throat has swollen and all oesophagus is somewhat painful now because when acid reaches throat, it comes up with hell kind of sourness!

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    Have you had test for ...done:

    Gastroparesis is a condition that affects the normal spontaneous movement of the muscles (motility) in your stomach. Ordinarily, strong muscular contractions propel food through your digestive tract.


    I def do not suggest the vinegar due to your symptoms, I think it would only cause you problems.

    Here are some examples of foods that can be enjoyed on most soft diets (7, 8Trusted Source):

    Vegetables: soft cooked carrots, green beans, chopped cooked spinach, cooked zucchini without seeds, well-cooked broccoli florets, etc.

    Fruits: cooked, peeled apples or applesauce, bananas, avocado, peeled ripe peaches, cooked pears, puréed fruits, etc.

    Eggs: cooked whole eggs or egg whites, egg salad

    Dairy products: cottage cheese, yogurt, soft cheeses, pudding, frozen yogurt, etc. Lower fat dairy products are typically recommended for people recovering from gastrointestinal surgery or illness.

    Grains and starches: mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, butternut squash, cooked cereals like cream of wheat, soft, moistened grains such as farro or barley, moistened pancakes, soft noodles, etc.

    Meat, poultry, and fish: finely chopped or ground moistened poultry, soft tuna or chicken salad (without chopped raw vegetables or fruit like celery or apples), baked or broiled fish, soft meatballs, soft tofu, etc.

    Soups: puréed or broth-based soups with soft-cooked vegetables

    Miscellaneous: gravies, sauces, smooth nut butters, unseeded jellies and jams

    Drinks: water, tea, protein shakes, and smoothies.

    Keep in mind that there are different variations of soft food diets, depending on the condition they’re being used to treat. Some people with further restrictions may not be able to tolerate certain foods for various reasons.

    Therefore, it’s always best to consult your healthcare provider or a registered dietitian if you’re following a soft diet and have questions about what foods you’re permitted to eat.

    Foods to avoid on a soft food diet

    Many foods should be avoided when following a soft food diet. Hard to digest foods, as well as those that are tough to chew, should be restricted. Typically, spicy and very acidic foods are also off-limits.

    The following foods are commonly restricted on soft diets (7, 8Trusted Source):

    Vegetables: raw vegetables, deep-fried vegetables, vegetables with seeds or rinds

    Fruits: fresh fruits (with some exceptions like avocados and bananas), fruits with peels and seeds, dried fruits, highly acidic fruits like lemons and limes

    Dairy products: hard cheeses, cheeses with nuts or dried fruit in them, yogurt with added ingredients, such as chocolate or nuts

    Grains and starches: hard crackers, chewy or crusty breads, high fiber breads and grains, such as seeded breads and shredded wheat, French fries, popcorn

    Meat, poultry, and fish: tough cuts of meat, fried fish or poultry, whole cuts of meat or poultry, high fat processed meats, such as bacon, shellfish, soups or stews with tough chunks of meat

    Fats: nuts, seeds, coconut flakes, crunchy nut butters

    Miscellaneous: seeded jams or jellies, chewy candies

    Spicy or irritating foods: hot peppers, tomato sauce, gas-promoting foods, such as cabbage and beans, tabasco sauce

    Beverages: alcohol, caffeinated beverages may be restricted as well depending on the condition being treated

    Note that your healthcare provider may recommend further restrictions depending on your medical condition. It’s important to have a good understanding of the diet that’s prescribed and your individual dietary needs.


    May I also suggest the Ensure Max protein drink, it is very healthy, taste is pretty good, diff flavors and adds alot of nutrition to your diet.

    Have you tried getting a second or even a third opinion form a diff Gastro.

    Have you had the gallbladder hida test done, also ask for further pancreas testing, did they use a camera ultra sound test on endoscope? MRI of internal organs. When you use anti acids like Rolaids, do they help at all?....and also describe your breathing issues in more detail.....try to relax, turn off the news, watch funny movies, and listen to relaxing music while doing other activities and at night use progressive relaxation to sleep. And do not accept any doctor telling you your symptoms are all in your head, this is un-acceptable and I would not go back to any doc that told me that. Also check into genetic testing for some abdominal issues as well. Most health facilities have genetic counselors you can consult with even over the phone now due to the virus. Good luck and am so sorry. I also deal with persistent issues.

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      Yonder 01 Thanks alot. I really appreciate your advice and all the se suggestions. After everything goes back to normal I will have a second opinion from another Gp. Your advice about diet is also extensive and so helpful. I will take heed to that. stay safe and stay blessed. I had an endoscopy of the stomach and the small intestine she was unable to find any abnormalities. She took sample tissues for biopsies but everything is on halt due to covid 19. As blood test and endoscopy has shown normal results my doctor has said a few times that it is in my head which really upsets me. I know when i feel normal and when I am suffering.

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      yes, I can relate to its in your head and any doc that says that to me is no longer my doc. We know our bodies and when we don't feel well. Why would we make our self not feel well...lol..welcome to getting older...ugh...hopefully you can get a sec opinion and maybe find out some answers soon, good luck !

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    i also have the same problems, shortness of breath specially while sleeping. I had acid reflux that once caused severe difficulty in breath for many days and nights, i couldn't eat, drink, sleep and breath. then i was admitted to hospital and after endoscopy, i was diagnosed with PANGASTRITIS (a chronic and severe form of gastritis). 6 months past to this, still i am at medicine (such as lowering acid of stomach, antibiotics to let h.pylori remain in lower quantities in the body) because when I don't take these medicines, shortness of breath invades again. I left almost all of spicy foods, biryani, chicken and sour fruits. I eat yogurt, it doesn't cause any problem. but all other things affect me more or less (even milk)

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    Thanks for your response Shakeela i am so sorry to hear about you feeling unwell. This problem is so disabling and not knowing what is causing is even more frightening as it makes you think of the worst. I am thinking of having a second opinion after things get back to normal. Shortness of breath is so scary.

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      yes and something i forgot to tell you. sour things and sleep apnea can trigger high blood pressure so take care a lot

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    Thanks Shakeela. I am a kidney donor so I cant afford to have a raised blood pressure. How are your symptoms at the moment? I am having alot of dull pain under my ribcage on right side.

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      my blood pressure has come to normal. now i am feeling well, i left all spicy and oily foods. eat 3 hours before sleep can help relief from sleep apnea.

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      dull pain on the right side? i feel it sometimes on the lift side of chest or waist. i don't think that right side organs should be affected by acid reflux or gastritis .. the pain could have resulted from something else

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      Sorry you're feeling so rough, aniiiiila, wishing you a speedy recovery.

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