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I am 51 years old from the uk and have had Ls for about 15 years or more, my Ls was diagnosed with biopsy 4 years ago. I use dermovate twice weekly and moreso obviously with flares. I find that my skin down there is always red although I do have the white patches that never go away. I have atrophy to my inner labia and clitoris and thickening around the vaginal entrance aswell as a thinning of skin at the bottom of my vaginal entrance to the perrnium area. My anus is also covered in white and red patches.

I have recently had laser uteroscopy for a kidney stone and will need another one in a few weeks time. This op was done via my uretha. Since then I have had a massive flare and cannot really get it under control furthermore I am facing another uteroscopy and dreading the after effects. It is very uncomfortable as I have a urethral stent. I was wondering if any of you have had this procedure and if it affected your LS ?

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi pammy not had the same as you but 4 weeks ago I had a bladder and bowel prolapse repair which was done vaginally. Since then apart from the discomfort ofvthecstiches my LS and LP has been much worse. It seems that any surgical interference puts the condition into flare mode. I don't envy you having to have the procedure again hope it's better this time. Not sure my procedure has worked either as I still feel odd down below but have really forgotten what normal feels like !!
  • Posted

    Hi Pammy! Sounds like you have been through a lot. I can relate to much of what you are saying. Mine is similar to yours except for the procedures for kidney stones. Was the urethral stent anything to do with the LS? I worry that I will not be able to pee because of atrophy. 
  • Posted

    Hi Pammy,

    I haven't had the procedure but Im so sorry your having so much trouble and pain.Has your go recommended anything to ease the pain for you?

    Especially if your having another procedure I think you need their advice ASAP .I hope you receive help soon.Good Luck Yvonne.

  • Posted

    Hi pammy I am using dermovate but not sure how much I should use.dr said walnut size pharmacy said very little. please can you help.
    • Posted

      Follow you specialist. He/ she knows the area to be covered. Chemist has not seen your LS. If you do not cover all the bits of LS it is not controlled. Use a mirror if possible and check you have put the cream everywhere needed. I use Advantan fatty ointment and I would rather use too much than not enough. It is less potent than yours though! I would use every bit the walnut size.

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