LS spreading?
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I am confused. I thought LS was a disease of vulva. I am feeling soreness on side from vulva area into hair all the way to fold of my leg. I don't see anything but I feel sore sore. What should I do until my next appt. Should I try Clobetasol there too?
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Guest mary09950
LS can affect any part of your skin. When it is on the arms, legs etc. I don't think it is as serious as when it is on the vulva. I wouldn't put clobetasol on the are as you are talking about until you talk to your doc. Clobetasol is very strong and should only be used the way doc tells you. Call them and ask them what to do. Maybe try some desitin on those areas it has worked for me. Hopefully that will give you some relief until you can talk to your doc.
Guest mary09950
vissy mary09950
The pain that I had was only in the iguinal folds and within the pubic hair area, too. It was a severe burning type pain in the iguinal folds. I couldn't tolerate clobetasol so the doctors switched me to triamcinolone. I was told to apply the cream to the painful areas as directed by my doctors. After 3-4 weeks, the burning pain subsided and now, 2 months later, I am using the steroid once a week. I am happy to report that I only feel a little discomfort when my loose fitting underwear rubs against me. I was diagnosed with LS with these symptoms and the telltale white patches. This disease can appear anywhere on your body. Talk to your doctor, but realize that LS can appear in the region you described. In the meantime, I would apply the diaper rash ointment or another soothing barrier cream until you can talk to your doctor.
mary09950 vissy
Thank you so much. Initially it was so slight but today it is burning like pain. I'm going to try Aquaphor tonight.
Unbelievable sometimes, I get to my age with few health problems and then this.
Hate to tell everyone but I'm glad to have company.
vissy mary09950
chicks mary09950
deborah82032 mary09950
LS_sufferer mary09950
Hi Mary, Just read your post which is very interesting, i to have been so sore myself & like you into the fold of my leg by my groin....went back to my GP last week.....low & behold, it's a fungal infection, have to say i was mortified, it made me feel really dirty, more than usual, so i'm now on an antifungal treatment of tablets for the next 28 days. I also found that my pubic hair seemed to be making it feel worse, as painful as it has been i've actually trimmed the hair right back, almost to the skin & that in itself has made a massive difference. It may just be worth a trip to your Doctor just to get it checked out, it could be something so simple, when i explained to her the sensation & feeling of burning, she actually said it was probably an infection before she examined me, she even got another Doctor for a 2nd opinion & they both agreed it's the fungal infection. almost a week into the tablets & the difference is emmense, a total transformation, try not to worry but get it checked
if only for your peace of mind best wishes lovely T
Guest mary09950
I also get pain here from time to time, also on my pubic bone (hair area) especially if I wear tight jeans, it feels like I've been kicked sometimes!! Gynaecologist didn't think it was related though, he wasn't very helpful at all so I've asked to be referred to see dermatologist, that was 2 weeks ago I'm still waiting for appointment!!! It's so frustrating.
Thanks everyone!! I've soaked a couple days and put Aquaphor baby paste with zinc oxide. The irritation kinda went away. I'll ask doctor next visit.