Lump in right calf and thigh very worried about soft tissue sarcoma
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So i have had a very bad month or so with my health anxiety after not having any issues worrying about my health for a few years im back again with another worry about a lump i have found. So basically about 3-4 days ago i found a lump in my calf after exercising a lot that day i simply brushed my leg and felt a sort of hard long lump just below my knee on the back of my calf which obviously scared me. Since then i have been trying to see my doctor but its been impossible to get an appointment i have felt similar things in the other calf and also in other areas of the calf so possibly its not a lump and im just going crazy i dont know but it does feel like one. Anyway because of how health anixety works i started to get worried about one thigh being bigger than the other aswell as my calf on the right being bigger than the left one. Obviously googling i saw soft tissue sarcoma which has really scared me into thinking its a tumor or something serious im 26 and male. Today i also got a notification that i need to self isolate due to exposure to someone who had a positive covid test so now im freaking out worried as i wont be able to get it checked for at least another 5 or 6 days. I just dont know what to do anyway i was checking my thigh and i felt a lump in the right one im not even sure its a lump either its feels hard and long these things might just be normal i dont know im just freaking out right now.
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