Lump in the throat feeling, medications?
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My doctor, after all the tests, has decided that the lump in the throat feeling is caused by anxiety, stress. He prescribed 10 mg of desipramine, an anti-anxiety medication which I do not want to take. Has anyone else taken this medication? Did it work for you to end the lump feeling? How long did you take the medication? I don't feel I'm anymore stressed out or anxious than I've ever been and this is the first time I've ever had this happen like this.
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trotta17 patricia69095
Hi there Patricia69095.
The feeling of a lump in my throat was also triggered by anxiety and depression. I was put on a 20mg dose of citralopram for depression and 2mg dose of diazepam to help with the anxiety. I have been on medication a little short of a year now. The lump sensation comes and goes depending how stressed and anxious I happen to feel at the time. Sometimes I don't notice it at all. Other times it's with me all the time. Starting to get used to it now. Not heard of the medication your doctor has prescribed for you but they wouldn't have given it if they didn't think it would help. Try it, you might be surprised. I was cautious about taking diazepam but it really helped.
patricia69095 trotta17
CK091 trotta17
Hi there.. sorry to hear about your symptoms.... I don't know how docs prescribe citralopram , were you really suffering from depression? Are there any side affects to this tablets, Can you just stop them or do you weane yourself off them? Have you ever gone down the herbal route, taking tablets for anxiety etc from there.
Gerdanxiety79 patricia69095
I think you should try it, then if it doesn't get this feeling to go away atleast you have marked it off the list. I am currently going through this and although there is still something wrong with my throat, I was very anxious when it first started happening so it made my throat even tighter and the lump feeling greater than it was because of anxiety. I started taking an anti anxiety med and it lessened the feeling greatly.
patricia69095 Gerdanxiety79
debra77872 patricia69095
Hi Patricia,
I have been dealing with this for 4 years. My ENT doctor also put me on an anti-anxiety medication (Sertraline). I recently had a sinus infection and went to my physician prescribed a allergy/asthma medication and it took away the sensation of the lump (which I describe as a grain of rice stuck in my throat). I have continued to stay on the drug, assuming that I have some type of allergy. When I discussed it with my ENT, he agreed to just continue the medication. I could get tested for allergies, but since it is working, I'm fine with it. The medication that was prescribed is Montelukast 10mg once daily. If you are like me, I'm open to any suggestions. This condition is extremely annoying and stressful.
patricia69095 debra77872
tanya65267 patricia69095
I had similar symptoms like you, I was told it was due to stress and tension in my muscles, I have not been prescribed any medication, but I have been having acupuncture and doing sahaja yoga, which has helped massively, I would recommend you try this as it has really helped me..
patricia69095 tanya65267
gokmen70970 tanya65267
can you tell me the exercise how did you do it please, because i have the same symptoms
jim64492 patricia69095
THE CURE IS THIS : take a 24hr antihystamine tablet Take 1 (zyrtec in USA its called : ingredent is ( Cetirizine ) UK serch boots for Allergy Relief 10mg Tablets Cetirizine Hydrochloride .
1 a day make it go away , your body is releasing low level hystamine TRUST me dont pay for tests EXPENSIVE and takes ages I was clear of all allergies ALL
but it was my body tempeture caused my body to attack itself with hystamine and I would get Globus , its a very mild throat closing "nothing dangerous" just annoying , Iv been taking this anti hystamine tablet never came back... I just take one every day non drowsey stay away from benadryl makes you drowsey . or you can take one NOW any anti hystamin tablet will work. let me know and others here if it helped, let me know here is if works for you ! so others can try it, good luck
ellebi jim64492
The one that has been recommended to me is one with the ingredient Cetrizine HYDROCHride but every time i go to chemist I get Cetrizine Dihydrochloride
CK091 jim64492
Dear Jim
I you take anithystamine everyday, even if you are not allergic to anything, are you not afraid the one day you won't take it, you might suddenly so an allergic reaction to anything and everything? We here in the UK get them too, I guess we can take them for a short time, not sure. I hate medication in any form. I get this mucus like feeling in the throat too at times. At the mmoment it just feels like someone is holding my throat really tight..
I have taken ranitadine already. Not sure if i can mix that with an anithystamine tablet....
CK091 patricia69095
Dear Patricia
I have been dealing with this for the past 11 months now. At first we thought it was an allergy, the throat felt like it was closing up. They gave me adrenaline, steroids, and antihisthamines. Then went to the ENT, who checked everything out after a few visits, nothing to do with the throat. Then went to see a Gastro doc, who put a camera down my throat, and said it was acid reflux caused by Haitus Hernia. However, the barium swallow test said there is no acid reflux, Did allergy test, to and fro from the hospital and doc appt. I am still in the same position with this tight sensation in my neck.
Have lost 7 kg thanks to this, nothing that I am proud of, as i have given up chocolates, alcohol, fried foods, spicy foods and a whole ot of other things.
I am on Ranitidine, and was on omeprazole before this (but had side affects)....
I really don't know what to do. If you can send me a link of some excercise for the throat would be good as their are so many on you tube would be great.
Many thanks