Lump on my penis
Posted , 23 users are following.
Posted , 23 users are following.
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kim12266 gaganplus
is it a solid lump or does it move around under the skin?
gaganplus kim12266
Its a solid lump and its not movable and its still looking same. I am worried.
kim12266 gaganplus
what i recommend u do is see your doctor it may just be a harmless boil or something like that how longs it been there ?? can u see any color under the skin like yellow like pus ??
gaganplus kim12266
I noticed it 2 days back only and no I can't see any pus.
gaganplus kim12266
It may turn out to be harmless but, right now I am freaking out, because I don't know how it might affect my sexual health. That's why. I will go to a doctor. But, as far as I have researched it looks more like a lymphocele. Do you have any experiences similar to this? If you have, do share. Thanks.
em4422 kim12266
i have the same thing if i press on it i can see puss but i cant pop it would it also be a lymphocelete I have had it for 3-4 days
kim12266 em4422
a lymphocele dosnt contain pus its lymphatic fluid trapped under the skin usually due to masturbation or sex if u can see pus then its most likely a boil
kim12266 gaganplus
if it is a lymphocele the swelling usually goes away on its own
kim12266 gaganplus
gaganplus kim12266
Yep. I saw it too. I just hope its nothing serious. Thanks anyway.
jose16410 gaganplus
did you happen to find out what it is bro ? i have the same thing and im trying to figure out what it is as sell
Bunge19903 jose16410
same looks exactly like what im dealing with please let me no id prefer not to show a doctor
kim12266 Bunge19903
its a cyst most probably as lymphoceles are sqaushy. because they are filled with lymphatic fluid
jesse91242 kim12266
i have a lump it is moved able im 13 and dont know what to do its red it is pain full do yall know
em4422 kim12266
mine is hard but you can squish it a little cyst ? ir lymphoceles