Lump on neck...scared
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Ok so I usually post in the anxiety area because I have it but I wanted to reach out to a different group of people for insight..
I have a lump in the right side of my neck it's not noticable to the eye but when you run your fingers you could feel it,
I discovered it on Saturday morning after waking up to a bad sleeping position and thought it was a sore muscle, but now when I rub it I could feel a pea size thing, which I think is a lymph node
I'm so scared that I might have cancer idk I'm losing my mind
I haven't had any other symptoms...well today I felt nauseated but I think that's from worry so much like my anxiety is really bad...pls help I don't have any family history of cancer, but you never know
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wessy WorryBunny
I had a small lump in my neck and the Dr ruled out certain things first but I did end up with cancer but because it was small it was caught early and I am cancer free now.
The earlier you go to have it looked at the better it can be destroyed if it is anything suspicious.
Please try not to worry too much and go to see your GP
WorryBunny wessy
wessy WorryBunny
I was not poorly at all and the lump had not gone so I had a scan.
I wasn't told the result but had to go to E N T clinic for a biopsy. All within a week of my scan.
The biopsy came back inconclusive so they operated 4 weeks later.
During the operation they tested the lump and it was cancer. They removed it all and then I had Radiotherapy but it is all gone now. It was only small so I had s better chance .
Hope this helps x
amy50971 WorryBunny
I know what your going through, I am currently under medical investigation at the moment with various swollen lymph nodes drastic weight loss fatigue and sore joints, awaiting results from my consultant after my scan.
Go to your GP and they will investigate
WorryBunny amy50971
I saw my doctor last week and she said it might not be something serious because it's very small. She does wanna wait a month but she said if anything changes, good or bad then I shouldered her before a months end.