lump on shaft of penis
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i have a little lump on the shaft of my penis. it doesnt hurt at all i tried popping it but nothing comes out. at first there was a hair on top of it so i plucked it out and it changed color a day later. i got it about 3 weeks ago and i had sex about two weeks before but i used a condom, i do masturbate quite often but i stopped after i saw this. im 20 and im really scared help please. here are some pictures of it
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SDoug18437 anthony_33351
krwn55490 anthony_33351
Hey I do have the same thing and mine is a bit itchy at first and i felt it earlier in the morning i just had sex 3 days ago and i masturbate once yesterday.. and i was wandrring how to get rid of it or any medicine should i take
dom_07 krwn55490
hey, i also had the same thing, did you have any solution or answer about this? how was your lump so far?
hello, i have been sexually active recently. i noticed this small whitish hard lump in my penis shaft. tried to research online and it could be Fordyce or Lymphocele. i am a lil worried. i tried to pop it out of curiosity as I feel insecure. but it didnt work, it only left a scar and turned reddish and the bump is still there. this makes me stressful and ashamed. please help me on what to do. i am new in the USA and I dont know what to do... thanks
anonymous94832 dom_07
bro do You got to Know What Is It I Have the Same Exact thing
kyran33350 anthony_33351
ive got the same problem is it serious and how do I treat it or when will it dissappear
em4422 kyran33350
did you find out what it was did it go away
OscarBoy anthony_33351
Umm im 13 and i would like to find out myself has anyone found out yet because im to embarrass to show my mom
daniel_dan anthony_33351
ivv had this lump for about a week and it was just getting bigger. i decided to pop it and pink liquid came out of it? i cleaned it up then blood was just slowly leacking from it. it has gotten smaller and deflated alot . is it suppose to be pink liquid ????
amit700 anthony_33351
being a Dr. i would suggest you get a biopsy done.. it can be primary lesion of LGV or donovanosis or syphilis or chancre.. so better to get diagnosed early to reduce complications
it have head or any kind of watery discharge ?
Daddyosman69 anthony_33351
so this should be good if i stop having sex for a while, rigth?? is suppose to be normal?
nick78422 Daddyosman69
Hi, saw you had the same problem like 8 weeks ago. Did the lump ever go gown and disappear? Or has anyone's disappeared after waiting for like a week? Really need advice cause i dont know what to do and how to start telling me parents
Just an update: 3 weeks have passed and without masturbation or massaging just letting it be, the lump has gone down though not completely but its almost not visible. I AM SO RELIEVED!!! I am going to finish the 6 weeks just to make sure that its gone for sure.
yashas10003 nick78422
did it go away?