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I haven't been well for 14yrs and to cut a long story short after endless appointments and tests i was given the label of m.e/cfs 4 years later. I have tried all kinds of alternative things over the years because nhs gp's aren't interested. I was fit and active and i was a postlady for 17yrs and then bam my life changed. 2 years ago i had bad vertigo so i had a brain mri which showed 3 lesions and so i was sent for a LP and evoke potential test which were negative. I saw an immunologist and i asked about Lyme and he said because i couldn't remember having a rash that i didn't have it and he wouldn't test me. I can't just sit and except m.e/cfs because i feel it's a cop out of them really not knowing what it is. I have had a few weak positives with things i.e Rheumatoid factor is always high, Epstein barr virus was reactive and antibodies but no one ever delves deeper into it. I am going to ask my GP next week to test for Lyme but not sure what to ask for. Also read that the tests aren't reliable in the uk. Any advice?
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poppy48517 dianne15921
caitlin39841 dianne15921
dianne, i'm wondering why u think ME is a 'cop out'. there's lots of scientific evidence to prove ME exists as a discrete condition. for example, the WHO has recognised Myalgic Encephalomyelitis since 1969 as a distinct organic & debilitating neurological disease. there's also a very specific diagnostic criteria for it. and u know what, it's a horror condition, very similar to Lyme. i've had ME for some time & similar to u i've tried loads of alternative stuff. most helped to a degree, but none got rid of it. the best help i've had was from high dose b12 & Folate supplementation, together with CoQ10, Magnesium, D-Ribose, Acetyl-L-Carnitine. my b12 was almost non existant. ME tends to have lots of auto-immune type stuff going on i.e. IBS, IC, PA, thyroid stuff etc. etc. it might be worth looking up PA in the 'HealthUnlocked' website in the PAS section & comparing your symptoms. many ppl with ME have b12 deficiency.
dianne15921 caitlin39841
poppy48517 dianne15921
caitlin39841 dianne15921
sky23 dianne15921
Hope it helped.
caitlin39841 sky23
sky23 caitlin39841
..then the doc put me on vit d 3 again..then it all came back..and I dare take no more of it.I am now doen to see neurology for nerve conduction tests. Porton Down will not help..supposed to be working of better testing methods but there weems to be a wall of silence. yet I have been able to speak with someone there to ask questions..once through using Public health who asked my questions for me to them and relayed the answers back..and more recently I am afraid I picked up the phone and called the number on the gov website explaining I was a member of the public and did they test for the European strain of Lyme..they answered no to that. then I put in questions with the department of Health. They came back to me with an apology and said I had to ask Public Health that question..round robin..and I am still fighting..
Does that answer everything?
caitlin39841 sky23
gosh, you've truly used your rage with the system to such good avail. i just get worn out trying to expalin to medics who have no clue & no interest of how debilitating these conditions can be.
i guess the bottom line is they treat the 'test' papers not the person with the presenting problems. also, if you're with a practice with a 'Docs knows best' culture, it makes it twice as hard.
hope u continue to make progress.
michal04846 dianne15921
Please read about ILADS standard of long term antibiotics treatment. I couldnt find any doctor using this standard in uk . In Poland there are at least 8 doctors using ILADS (rest of them IDSA treatment, same as in uk) - cost of visit is around 30pounds, ive got lucky with my doctor cos i can be in toch with him by phone, mine cost of monthly treatment (polish pharmacy) is around 150 pounds a month (antibiotics +supplements like vitamins,priobiotics etc.). None of test give you 100% sure that you have or dont have lyme. Often coming as a false negative. There is a test PCR real-time(POLYMERASE CHAIN REACTION), they looking for a bacteria (DNA of bacteria) in your blood - thats a 100% sure test if they find it, but it often happens that in blood sample used to the test - there wasn't bacteria at that time and that "place" (meaning blood sample), but it is somewhere else (like bones, joints, muscle etc.). OTHER TEST: ELISA, WESTERN BLOT, CD57, Im leaving in Scotland, and can only say: THERE ISNT ANY HELP FOR YOUR IN UK. They think if they give you 28days of antibiotics you'r fine, and if test showing (elisa, western blot etc.) in IGG class that positive, they will say you had a lyme but now your healthy. Its only mean that your body give up with fighting against bacteria, not destroyed it. Mine blood tests are and were excellent, but i was feeling like disable person. After 2 months of treatment ive got much progress, but still far from perfect (left sore legs when walking more then 20mins, sore collar bones, sometimes painful joints and chest, but it was far worst...). ALSO IMPORTANT TO DO THE TEST FOR COINFECTIONS (MYCOPLASMA, BABESIA, BARTONELLA ETC). HOPE IT WILL HELP TO SOMEBODY. PS English is not my native language.
Lemnia michal04846