lyme . jas anyone try the vitamin c/ salt protocol
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I have been reading about the vitamin c /salt protocol and at this point after 2 years of treatment with antibiotics and very little improvement I would like to try something else, since recently I started to fell sick again.
I would like to hear if anyone has try this protocol, I have my doubts and I am and bit worried that maybe it won't be good for my kidneys.
I appreciated any ideas / suggestions and experiences in case you he dine this protocol
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princematt andrea_75557
andrea_75557 princematt
hester3 andrea_75557
Ill kep in touch.
andrea_75557 hester3
yes my treatment with a lyme specialist has not give good results as my lyme test still come back positive.i think that the main reason why my tratment has not been succesfull it is because I have been taking the same antibiotics for so long periods because I could not afford to be test more often, I didnt have enough money to make the treatment as my specialist doctor suggested.
I will briefly explain my treatment in case this info can be usefull for somebody.
We first start we an extreme diet which purpose was to eliminate candida licky gut and food intolerance. It last about 4 months. (This has been the time I fell the best)
Next we started with antibiotics first I took chlaritromicin 500mg ×3 a day for 6 months.
Then azitromicin 500mg × 3 times a week +doxicicline 200mg daily also almost 6 months.
Since January this year I began to take azitromicin also 3 times a week plus minocin 200mg plus Rifaldin 300 mg daily
because I have been felling sick again a week ago my doctor considered I should have a time off from antibiotics and start a detox . lets hope this will help a little.
rebecca86537 andrea_75557