Lyme testing in the UK

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Hi everyone,

Can someone advise on how to get tested for Lyme Disease in the UK?

Is there a way of getting it done privately?

My GP thinks you can't get it here so I'm not getting anywhere with him. I have had symptoms of Lymes for at least two years but he dismissed the idea when I suggested it to him.

It started with a very itchy spot on my back that was driving me crazy, first noticed whilst walking my dog.

I left it for about a week before seeing my doctor. He said it was an infected

cyst. A course of antibiotics cleared it but it came back a couple of months later. I ignored it for a long time but I had to take antibiotics for a chest infection and it cleared again.

At the same time I started getting a stiff neck and shoulders and a gnawing ache between my shoulder blades. Dr put it down to a pinched nerve but after more visits to him I got x rays done on my neck and spine and a rheumatologist diagnosed early osteoarthritis. That was about two years ago. Still getting neck pain, on off aches between shoulder blades, knee pain, shoulder aches, lightheadedness, ear fullness, balance problems sometimes, headaches, tinnitus, vision issues such as inability to focus sometimes, eyes sensitive to fast moving traffic for instance, sensitive to noises, anxiety, fear of fainting because I feel like but never do, extreme tiredness, muscle weakness, restless legs, random fast heart rate, hearing pulse in ears and more.

My blood works are good and heart echo two years ago good recent ENT good.

I know some of these symptoms could be because of my neck arthritis.

I have mentioned lymes to my doctor, rheumatologist, physiotherapist and ENT and they all asked me the same thing, have I been abroad. It seems like a taboo topic and nobody is prepared to listen.

Many thanks

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    I have also found it to be a taboo topic as well fueled by conspiracy theories that the US government is responsible. [url][/url]

    That being said, not a lot of doctors even want to deal with is. I live in a hot zone and it's just as difficult to get help. Perhaps you could ask a physician to draw blood for a tick titer and have them send it to the US for processing? The lab that did my tests was Quest Diagnostics: [url][b][b].html[/url] A simple test, no matter the cost, is well worth the info you will receive. Good luck, hope you feel better.

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