Lymecycline - does it work?

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I'm 25 and always had fairly clear skin but about a year ago startes getting a few spots. As they began to get worse i started trying over the counter treatments but nothing worked. Saw a dermatologist a few months ago and she suggested a new skin regime but nothing has worked. Tried epiduo and duac and have now been given lymecycline to try as my skin is the worst it has ever been. It appears to get better for a few days then breaks out even worse. Has anyone had experiences with lymecycline or similar experiences and has any advice? Got to the point where I wont leave the house.

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4 Replies

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    I started with spots in my 50's! Ive seen several dermatologists but unfortunately none of their advice has worked for me.

    I've found keeping my skin as clean as poss helps i.e. not going to bed with makeup on and using a toner up to 4 times a day when my skin is starting to break out. I've recently started having micro-dermabrasion treatments which seems to be helping, so maybe worth visiting a good beauty therapist for advice.

    Some believe your diet makes a difference i.e. gluten free, dairy free . I tried gluten free for a month but that didn't help me but of course everyones different. Also worth reading Michael Mosley's book The Healthy gut I think its called. I also take 2 anti-histamines a day as my skin gets very itchy just before a breakout.

    It's all about trial and error, what works for one may not work for another. Hopefully you'll find something that helps you.

    • Posted

      Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment and for all your advice.

      I have spent so many hours researching treatments on the internet and spent so much money in trying all these different things. I thought going to a dermatologist was a last resort and believed that she would be able to find the best treatment quickly but she just tells me to keep cleansing and exfoliating when it clearly isnt working.

      I have just started taking the antibiotics and will continue with the dermatologist skin regime as well as taking probiotics. I've already cut out practically all dairy so hopefully thats not an issue and I very rarely wear make up. I know there is no quick fix but im just praying for some sign of improvement because its hard to see a light at the end of the tunnel!

    • Posted

      Yes I feel your frustration. I took antibiotics for 3 mths earlier this yr to no avail, but fingers crossed it may help you.

      As hard as it is and as expensive as it is you've just got to keep researching and trying different things. There will be something that triggers it. Its just finding what it is.

      Good luck x

  • Posted

    I have always had breakouts after eating chocolate so if you are addicted,do give it up. I have also found a face cream with retinol in it which is great for clearing up spots. I took an antibiotic for 6 months to clear up the problem and at first it was fantastic,but they did recur slowly,although not as bad. Is your skin dry or oily?

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