Lymph nodes

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Sorry, me again! 

So, I’m now in month 7 of GF but I’ve noticed I’ve got a lot more swollen lymph nodes in my neck then previously? Has anyone else had this?

It’s starting to worry me how many lumps and bumps I can feel into my neck going into my collar bone area! 



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11 Replies

  • Posted

    Are the lumps seen or you feel them?

    I developed more lumps under the jaw in January that was my 8th month since the start of symptoms. It’s almost May they still bother me. But specifically I have a lump on the right side behind my jaw and under the earlobe.

    • Posted

      Feel them. 

      My glands are huge under my jaw it’s just my lymph nodes down one side of my neck. Really uncomfortable. 

  • Posted

    Me too and having weird pain into my elbows hips and knees when I'm so stressed out.

  • Posted

    Hey Kelly,

    I had one particular what they called reactive lymph node on one side of my neck which bothered me so much throughout the illness, and this was one of the long lasting symptoms and maybe one of the last to disappear - but just to reassure that it did go away and this settles down for sure. After 7 months I truly believe you will have been through the worst of this, it was about 10 months I started to see a major turning point and really hoping and praying that turning point is on its way soon for you too - I totally believe it will and the next 7 months will be nothing compared to what you've went through in the last 7 if my experience is anything to go by.

    These swollen lymph nodes can be very normal, of course always wise to check with the doc for reassurance, but it is common during the virus and it does go away with time, I know that doesn't always help when going through it sad



    • Posted

      Hi Craig,

      Thank you so much for your reply and reassurance! I did go to the doctors and they have done some more blood tests, currently waiting on the results. 

      Yes, I feel as if I have been through the worst, days do seem a little easier now. Fingers crossed things continue to improve. 

      Thanks again


    • Posted

      Good luck with the blood tests Kelly, you're doing all the right and sensible things by the sounds of it - that's all you can do and just trust in God and that things will come good all in good time - just hoping this can be sooner than later! It takes time recovery from this and can be zig-zag, so don't beat yourself up about things and glad to hear there is some improvement, hoping that continues and I believe it will until you feel 100% again.

      Take care and hang in there,


    • Posted

      Hi Kelly, i was just wandering how you are? My symptoms are the same as yours. Please reply. Thanks cj
    • Posted

      Hey CJ,

      Sorry to hear you are having a hard time with mono symptoms, just want to reassure you that the swollen and painful lymph nodes in the neck do get better and go away with time - it is so frustrating and it was one of the lingering symptoms for me and one of the last to go, but it did go with time and really hoping that things settle with this for you too - hang in there and believing you will get better truly believe that!


    • Posted

      Hey CJ,

      Sorry to hear you are having a hard time with mono symptoms, just want to reassure you that the swollen and painful lymph nodes in the neck do get better and go away with time - it is so frustrating and it was one of the lingering symptoms for me and one of the last to go, but it did go with time and really hoping that things settle with this for you too - hang in there and believing you will get better truly believe that!


    • Posted

      Thanks Craig. Thanks for the reassurance. It 's just hard to believe it is normal. I guess it's not but does happen especially if you have quite a few years on your body. I'm actually feeling better except for right side pain on the nodes and my left ear. Please keep me in your prayers and i appreciate youcj

    • Posted

      Hey CJ,

      It is so hard to believe it's normal when going through the horrible symptoms of mono, it really is a frightening and debilitating virus and really hoping and praying things get better for you soon. Trusting that God will bring healing for you I really believe that. 

      These lymph nodes did bother me for ages too but they did get better, so hang in there it can be normal for them to linger around even after you start to feel better, but that doesn't mean to say you have them forever definitely not! They do get better and hang in there! Believing in recovery for you absolutely trusting Jesus. Thinking fo you.


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