Lymph nodes in back of head

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Is it normal for your lymph nodes in the back of your head to feel tender? My right one is really hurting I can't tell if it's swollen or not and it's really scaring me did anyone else experience this? Not in neck in the back of my head. Please tell me this is something normal with mono?😖

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15 Replies

  • Posted

    YES!!! Had this for 8 months, above the  neck at the back of the head and mine travels up! As well as throbs 😫

    • Posted

      Did yours ach? And give you headaches or head pain? And yours was all from mono right?

    • Posted

      Did you think it was something else? I'm just scared I hope it's just mono though I'm only 6 weeks in. Is this normal?

    • Posted

      Hi Ravyn,

      I think everyone has had this thought, I remember asking Craig this very question. I think that its because it is a feeling that you have never had and unlike any flu, cold ect., It is only natural to think you have some horrible condition and the anxiety feeds this feeling,

      You are still in the early stage of this virus, you will feel better and like your normal self with time, it just takes time,


    • Posted

      Have you fully recovered? And if so how long did it take?

    • Posted

      I’ve spent 8 months worrying lol! But everyone seems to have the same!  
    • Posted

      HI Raven,

      Yes, I have, I am almost afraid to say it out loud. It took 11 months before I turned the corner. I am older though (55) so it hits you harder. I am sure you will recover much more quickly.


  • Posted

    Hi Ravyn,

    I agree with Mono too and Rosanna, I think this can be very normal during mono as you do get lymph nodes at the back of your head and behind your ears I believe from looking it up (although I'm no medical person). It's so hard not to worry I know when getting all these symptoms, I do 100% believe you're going to get better Ravyn.

    I hope that you Mono too and Rosanna are doing better these days, it's always comforting to read your words of help for others on here, grateful for that.


    • Posted

      Thanks Craig I'm just so worried and I don't know how to calm myself I'm hoping this is all part of mono cause I never felt this way before I got sick. When I look stuff up on Google it gives me the worst answers and scares me then I'll think I have whatever Google say and then I worry all night. You think this is pretty normal with mono? I'm so glad there is a support group because if there wasn't I don't know where I would be right now. I really appreciate everybody's help and them taking there time out of there day to reply to me.

    • Posted

      I totally understand Ravyn, when I had mono I was EXACTLY the same. I worried so much and couldn't calm down or relax, which just drains you further when you're already not feeling good. Looking up Google I know it's so hard not to, you're just looking for encouraging stories but remember the vast majority of folk who recover don't post on there, it's only those with horror stories that post - and remember these are not the norm.

      A thing maybe to remember to reassure you is that the EBV virus, which causes mono, infects 90% of the western world at some point in their lives. That doesn't mean to say 90% of people get mono, most I think get it as a baby or when they're very young and they don't feel the effects then - but the reassuring thing is that this 90% are not suffering from mono, once they've had it, they get better and return to full health again - it just lies dormant in their system after that and can do you no harm.

      Thinking about you Ravyn and just focus on one day at a time at the moment - this is the worst phase and it will pass over, even if it takes a bit of time, you WILL make a full recovery. Try to do something each day if you can that relieves stress, even just watching a fav tv show or reading or having a bath or listening to music or a short walk in the fresh air, or something else you really enjoy that doesn't take much energy at all. You've had such a hard time you deserve that Ravyn and time to rest is important for you at the moment. You WILL get better Ravyn, 100% I believe that because of God's healing.



    • Posted

      Thanks so much. Was you also in pain in the first six weeks and very tired?
    • Posted

      Hi Ravyn,

      I slept so much with the virus, I would sleep and sleep and still be tired. The muscle aches are terrible, I also had this internal shakiness.

      Remember to only google recovery stories of mono or Epstein Barr.

      I am so sorry you are going through this. but everyday is a day towards recovery.

    • Posted

      Yes definitely Ravyn, the first six weeks were terrible and I had pain and was very fatigued and sweaty and exhausted all the time.

      Good advice from Mono too as always - definitely only focus on recovery stories. I know it's easier said than done, this forum here is good in that respect in that it's more about people encouraging each other rather than scaremongering. Still believing that God heals.


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