Maca organic powder

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Has any tried maca powder, I heard it suppose to balance hormones.

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    I tried Peruvian Red Maca in capsules. I only took it a few days because I developed a bad headache.

    But I have heard it is supposed to balance hormones naturally.

    I might try it again.

    I've read that if you have digestive issues, to use gelatinized Red Peruvian Maca.

    Make sure to buy Maca that is from Peru. Maca from China is inferior.

    Worth a try.


  • Posted

    I bought capsules online last year. It doesn't say where it is from but it has the UK address and it has English -German. Soon after I bought it I had gastric issues so I never used it. Bb expired on Oct 2017. Do you is not safe to use it. Such a shame I paid lots of money and never used it. Since it is herbal I am thinking it might still be OK. But not sure. What do ladies think please?

    • Posted


      Maca can cause gastric issues.

      In order to avoid the digestive problems, take gelintinized Maca.

      Your Maca is probably safe to take. The expiration date is most likely for when it's no longer considered effective.

      It may still cause you distress though.

      Look for gelintinized Red Maca. The Red Maca is for perimenopausal/menopause symptoms and the gelintinized form will not cause gastric issues.

      I hope this helps.


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