Maca root

Posted , 9 users are following.

has anyone tried Maca root to ease their symptoms and if so how did you get on with it? Would be interested to hear.

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    I'm currently trying it and the only think I am noticing is I am getting bad gas and diarrhea. Not impressed so far. Trying ashwagandha next.

  • Posted

    Hi Ruth, there is a supplement called Macalife which is specially tailored to women in Peri, it gets amazing reviews on amazon, though it can take 6 weeks to work, think I’m going to try it x
  • Posted

    Another Peri lady about a year ago said she had been taking maca and it gave her breast cancer.

    As a result of having horrible hot flushes I attempted to try it, and while it was working, it also started to cause breast pain and it got so bad I had to get a mammogram and had to get a node tested for breast cancer, all after taking it for 2 months.

    I'm putting this out there to warn you. My friend who died 3 years ago took maca for years, she died of breast cancer even though she was a vegetarian. I believe there cause for concern after the lady last year posted her experience with maca, and getting breast cancer, my friend dying of breast cancer after taking maca gor year's, and nowy bout of having breast problem symptoms gives me an unverified claim that maca could be behind this, more so since i don't take any other pills other than vitamin D3. With this information I certainly wouldn't advise anyone to take it. Be Careful if you do.

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