Macrobid side effects?
Posted , 2 users are following.
Has anyone taken macrobid for a UTI/urethral irritation? Did you experience any side effects - specifically, did it make you feel "spacey" at all?
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Posted , 2 users are following.
Has anyone taken macrobid for a UTI/urethral irritation? Did you experience any side effects - specifically, did it make you feel "spacey" at all?
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Sochima822 Guest
Yes, I've taken it for UTI, I sort of do recall feeling spacey or just not all together. But 3 days later after not having any luck with it my doctor changed my prescription. I think that feeling of spacey may mean you are reacting negatively to it as I recall from what my doctor said. So it was switched on me and my UTI was cured.
Sochima822 Guest
Guest Sochima822
Thanks. I took my dose this morning with a meal and feel better - I think I didn't eat enough w/second dose last night but will definitely call pharmacist if spacey feeling recurs. Will be glad to get lab results back in a couple of days.
Sochima822 Guest
Oh good glad to read you're feeling better.
Guest Sochima822
Me too. The "spacey" feeling is gone. I must be sure to eat well with this medicine!
CCinCal Guest
Yes got uti in March and got macrobid and had side effects. Can't remember what now. Had to practically beg dr to change it. Then got Cipro and 3 days later uti was better.
Guest CCinCal