magnesium citrate powder- reduces AFIB?

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So I've had AFIB now again since July,  Occurrences have been 3-4 times/week averaging about 4 hrs .  Irregular heart beats up to say 100BPM +_ .  Started magnesium powder.... Haven't had any AFIB for 3 days... hmmmm... crossing my fingers...

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12 Replies

  • Posted

    That's great news!!! Do you take a blood thinner

    • Posted

      Yes, I take Xarelto.  I have been taking the Mg citrate for about 2 weeks now , but just started noticing the difference.  As Mg levels are intercellular, it takes time to work.  I'm quite excited about this.  I've always been in great shape , low heart rate yadda yadda so very disappointed to find AFIB in my life.  Maybe I've found a way out/?? Time will tell. I am taking baby doses(50mg) of Flecainide along with all of this.  I'm not planning on stopping it at the moment.  

  • Posted

    Hi, I have a history of both HOCM and AFIB for the past 4 years.

    Have had a Open heart surgery (Myamectomy) for the Hocm which seems to be doing well.

    As for the AFIB i have had 8 episodes that i have needed cardioversions which work straight away. After the last episode July last year i was put on the Magenesium powder 400mg morn + night along with 600mg Metoprolol and 200mg Amioderone and since that time my resting heart rate has beem consistently in the 60 to 70 range. Also only other change was going from Warfarin to Xarelto as well, not sure if that means anything but things are going well for the first time in 4 years.

    I hope this gives you a bit of hope with your AFIB as well.


    • Posted

      That is very exciting ..   Can you tell me who prescribed the magnesium?  I guess I'll continue with the Flecainide along with the magnesium.  This is definitely a ray of hope.. thanks  I appreciate knowing the amount (400mg x2).. I'm 66.   How does exercise affect you? 

    • Posted

      I am 56yo and prior to these problems 4 years ago i led a very active life, i have played sport at reasonably high levels all my life with out any of these heart problems arising.

      Since my operation i have ceased any physical exercise except from walking and this seeme to agree with my lifestyle--I think the main solution is to work out what is right for you.

      Hope it all works out

    • Posted

      Hi John,  did you quit physical ex because of heart problems?  Could you still engage in sports ?  Are you happy with the operation?  I have talked lots about ablation with people.. Not sure about this.   Like you say, work out what is right for me.   The magnesium seems to remove the anxiety in my chest..  you?  

       Best to you.. 


    • Posted

      Hi Roper, yes i did stop all sport and physical activities due to heart problems, i would be out of breath and on the verge of fainting within a few minutes, mind you i never saw this coming one week i was perfectly healthy and next close to collapse. I have been told since that i probably had Afib and HOCM for quite some time but never noticed anything.

      The first time i admitted to hospital with Afib apparently heart beat was about 280bpm and they thiught it could have been like that for quite some time, I never felt any differance in my heart rate at all or iny instances of Afib since--This is what makes it dangerous for me as i get very sick before even knowing anything is wrong.

      I have an ICD implanted as well now which is another thing that helps

      As for my heart op it was for the HOCM and yes i am happy with it as prognosis was if i didn't have the op i would probably only have 2-3 years left. I'm still here so i'm happy.

      As for the ablation, i had the procedure done at the same time as the heart op, not sure how well that worked as i did have had episodes of Afib after.My best advice to you is if you have confidence in your Cardioligist go with what they say. I would listen more closely to what they have to offer than any of us experts on these forums--our are only personal experiances.

      I don't suffer from anxiety and i believe this is one of the main reasons i have coped reasonably well throughout.



    • Posted

      Sounds like you've had your fair share..  Yes I'm listening to the Cardiologist , sometimes it feels like he doesn't pay attention, but all this takes time to figure out.. I guess so cuz it took a lifetime to mess up..  Anyway,, I've had 5 days of bliss ... this is amazing...  crossing my fingers. 

      You might benefit by having one of those 'FIT BITS'  -wrist heart monitor.. cuz they tell you what your heart is doing...

  • Posted

    I've had one episode of afib in last year, nothing since, am on a Betablocker, Magnesium and ASA. Fearful of Xeralto. I don't know whether it's the mag. Or the betablocker that's helping?? Sue

  • Posted

    Hi, Yes i am also on Magnesium powder and beta blocker Metoprolo 300mg twice a day also on Xaralto and have had no ill affects. The best thing is for the past 12 months haven't had AFIB for the first time in 5 years. Still see the cardioligists on monthly schedule but haven't had to present to emergency for a long time--very happy at the moment and touch wood it stays that way--FYI I do believe if you can don't worry about things you have no control over and at the very least it takes the stress out of your life

    Hope all goes well

    • Posted

      Great,me too but still on ASA, I don't feel the need for Xaralto, seems risky, so thanks for the reassurance you've had no problems.

    • Posted

      Why do you take Magnesium powder and not capsule?

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