Magnesium Supplement in peri / Menopause helps insomnia taken just before bedtime

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Hi ladies..

I have been using magnesium and calcium for a while now, they work well together.. However i switched to calcium and Vit D ( Natecal ) chewable ..

no longer having the magnesium ... 

then i started effervescant magnesium ... i always take this by dropping in a glass of water, they range from lemon - orange flavour etc..

what I want to share is, as I have been an insomniac all through peri etc, I have  found that the effervescant form of magnesium, that you fizz and drink has totally relaxed me before sleep, i find myself in a lovely relaxed mood, and ready for slumber ... 

Since this little difference, i have been researching magnesium and it also helps, tightened muscles, headaches, aches and pains..

worth a try ugh ? Drink it 30 mins before you go to bed ...

Magnesium has many benefits to good health, one of them being its action as an effective natural sleep aid.  James F. Balch, M.D., author of Prescription for Nutritional Healing, writes: “A lack of the nutrients magnesium and calcium will cause you to wake up after a few hours and not be able to return to sleep.”  

Chronic insomnia that occurs with frequent night time awakenings is one of the main symptoms of magnesium deficiency.  

On the other hand, a high magnesium diet has been found to be associated with deeper, less interrupted sleep. This was proven in a study done by James Penland at the Human Nutrition Research Center in North Dakota.

Mildred Seelig, M.D., the leading medical researcher on magnesium says: “Many people needlessly suffer pain – including fibromyalgia, migraines and muscle cramps – because they don’t get enough magnesium.”

According to the University of Maryland Medical Center web site, inadequate magnesium also appears to reduce serotonin levels in the brain.  

One study found that magnesium was just as effective as an antidepressant drug in treating depression.  In addition, researchers at Stockholm’s Karolinska Institute reported that for every 100 milligram increase in magnesium intake, the risk of developing type-2 diabetes decreased by 15 per cent.  Other studies have shown that people with migraine headaches have low concentrations of magnesium in their body.

i intend to post more magnesium finding as i find them 

this I totally second this info above as I really noticed a difference after taking effervescant magnesium before bed , and my curiosity lead me to find out more ..

jay xx

6 likes, 40 replies

40 Replies

  • Posted

    Wow that sounds amazing off I go to Holland and Barrett - thank you x
  • Posted

    What’s the best 

    Magnesium supplement?

    i use the effervescant and drink mine before bed ... Brilliant 

    heres some info imfind about diggerent kinds of magnesium 

    Before you decide how MUCH magnesium to take, you must first decide what KIND of magnesium to take as some are better than others. Be sure to read labels VERY carefully. Here are your magnesium supplementation choices:

    Magnesium Oxide: found in Low Quality magnesium supplements. It’s cheap and readily available- and it’s the WORST for absorption. Don’t get it if it says Magnesium Oxide or if it simply says 'Magnesium' without saying what KIND of magnesium- it's probably magnesium oxide.

    Magnesium Citrate: If you don’t have any serious health problems and just want a general supplement for everyday use, this is a good choice. It CAN be mildly laxative at higher dosages so is a good choice if you tend to be constipated. But it’s not such a good choice if you tend towards loose stools or have an ongoing health condition that you may need to be taking fairly large doses on a daily basis.

    Angstrom Magnesium- probably the BEST choice for those who get loose stools easily. It's tiny particle size provides the BEST absorption of any supplements with almost no Gastrointestinal symptoms.

    Chelated Magnesium: is bound to amino acids and are the magnesium supplementation of choice for most health conditions. They are more expensive, but can be taken in larger dosages with fewer laxative side effects. Chelated magnesium preparations go by many different names, all being suitable for magnesium supplementation:

                            * Elemental Chelated Magnesium

                            * Magnesium Glycinate

                            * Magnesium Malate- a good choice for Symptoms of Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Patients- the connection between Fibromyalgia and Magnesium is VERY strong!!. I highly recommend Jigsaw Health's Sustained Release Magnesium Malate as my first choice in magnesium supplements.

    Transdermal Magnesium Gel: Magnesium preparations that you rub into the skin. Magnesium is well-absorbed this way and is a good choice for people with poor digestion, those who simply can’t tolerate magnesium any other way, or for those with repetitive strain injuries or tendonitis. You can rub Transdermal Magnesium Gel directly into the painful areas and it can help to relieve the local pain!

    Magnesium Bath Flakes: Since magnesium is absorbed through the skin, using Magnesium Bath Flakes is a great way to relax in the bath before bed if you have any trouble sleeping. Take a look at the Epsom Salt Uses page to see some other creative ways to use these bath flakes.

    Once you have found the Type of magnesium supplements that are best for you, then you get to decide how much to take.


    • Posted

      Hi Jay,

      I too use the magnesium in salts which I soak in; my digestive problems just don't allow me to take it in tablet form or even effervescent, but the salts work really well. Also, there's something completely relaxing about a nice hot bath that you can't beat! 

    • Posted

      Hi kerry

      wow thats great, and the spray sounds a good one too..

      thanks for sharing... 

      jay xx

    • Posted

      Hi jay

      The magnesium & calcium sups I just got are magnesium oxide does this mean they are pretty pointless! 

      No biggie if the are as I nearly kill myself trying to take them! 


      Mrs d xx

    • Posted

      Hi Mrs D

      ohhhhh i doubt they are pointless,  they are just so many typea it seems..

      calcium and magnesium work well together..

      you can just continue and decide after if you want to change to a different type ..

      shame to waste 

      jay xx


    • Posted

      Hi Jay

      I will carry on for now! A lot will depend if taking them becomes any easier!!! 

      What's the magnesium spray would that be ok to use with the mag & calcium I already take?? 

      Just need to get my broken sleep & agitation sorted

      You are so helpful to us all Jay Thanks


    • Posted

      Hi Mrs D 

      no i don't think I would take both ... Myself...

      i take my magnesium separately now  as a  few months ago i changed from calcium and magnesium .... To natecal - calcium and Vit D  * they are chewable ...

      then to get my magnesium i drink an effervescant magnesium after my Natecal before bed time...  Effervescant easier to buy in spain.. 

      i have ordered a spray but i wouldnt take my effervescant and use the spray personally as it may be too much in one day...  ' only my thoughts for me personally' all depends i suppose on the strength of what you take orally and the amount of spray you use...  ' transdermally ' 

      jay xx


    • Posted

      Hi jayneejay, how are you hun? is your back better.  Can you tell me which spray to get from Holland Barrett as I'm going to town tomorrow but if you recommend one off Amazon then will you advise which one and where do you spray it, im not keen on spraying in my face.  sending you love x
    • Posted

      Hi hun

      i dont get it from H&B ( i live in spain) 

      i get zechstein i think it is from ebay.

      but i take chelated magnesium tabs i prefer those 

      dont upset tum, like magnesium citrate and mag oxide 

      they have laxative effect .

      back still painful hun, 3 bulging disks 😫 have to go steady, but painting the house still, slowly, i wont let that and meno hold me back ..

      I just take a rest and off i go again 

      jay x

    • Posted

      Hi hun

      oh my reply was moderatored

      i dont get mine from H&B ( i live in spain) 

      they do do one i think 

      jay x


    • Posted

      I have sent you a PM link of the mag spray i have used 

      i dont use it anymore 

      i take the chelated magnesium, kind on tum 

      as magnesium citrate and magnesium oxide is the cheaper one and has laxative effects and can make you run to the loo every morning 

      jay x

  • Posted

    Hiya Jay,

    I want to say I second this as even though I use the magnesium sleep spray again like you approx 30 mins prior to my bed time.  This gives me a total relaxed feeling aswell and I am certainly ready to drif off to sleep.

    I think my anxiety has certainly be less troublesome since using this in June, I use a Magnesium spray in the morning also after my shower and I  believe this has helped to keep me calm during the day.

    So I just wanted to support you that even though I use Magnesium in a different way it certainly I believe has the same outcome!

    Have a lovely day Hun!



    • Posted

      Hi Joy

      yes it works, i have found the last few weeks very relaxed at bedtime, and even gone to sleep within 15 mins ... Which never happens for me normally, 

      the spray sounds very interesting too

      thanks Joy 

      have a great afternoon Jay xx

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