Major Anxiety
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I really hope someone can l help me I have recently been told I have several health issues I was told i had PCOS at 21 now 30 it is catching up to me. i am pre diabetic as a result of the PCOS well I was just told a few weeks ago I have sleep Apena I went through a sleep study which was rough on me. I just started using a C-pap machine on Friday and it has been rough I hate the mask even though it only goes under my nose and doesn't cover my whole face cause I do have problems with that. I couldn't fall asleep on friday night and cried last night before putting the mask on cause the thought of wearing it gives me major anxiety my mom thinks i might have a little PTSD from the sleep study that's making it so hard on me I do suffer PTSD from other things. I have to use it for 4 hours a night or my insurance company will send a massive bill for it. I am slightly overweight cause of my PCOS and currently working on losing weight so I can hopefully get off the machine ASAP i am currently undergoing other test for other health issues does anyone use a Cpap machine and have any tips on how to control the major anxiety I have about this machine?
Thanks in Advance
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jan34534 Harrypotterfan3
im sorry you are going through this. i wear a cpap too. i started in 2018. I also have the mask that goes under the nose. I really don’t like anything on my face when I sleep but it’s important that I wear it. I just couldn’t get used to it. last year was horrible because I had to wear a mask all day long because of Covid and then I had to wear a mask when I slept. It was awful.!!!
i still hate using it but i have no the beginning I was really struggling and kept taking it off.
i know some people who have no problem at all with wearing one. for me, it’s just weird to have something plastered to my face when I’m trying to sleep. And especially when I want to lay on my side it just doesn’t feel right. It would be nice if we were allowed to have a couple of days a week without wearing it. But every single day is horrible.
So what I do is I will turn on either a peaceful meditation from YouTube or I will actually listen to a story, music, etc. for myself I find that when I listen to somebody else talk such as tell a story or a calm voice during a meditation, I focus on that and it’s very relaxing so I don’t focus on the facemask so much. I end up falling asleep during the story or meditation. I also take melatonin before I go to sleep which is natural and I get really sleepy.
I also try to get a little exercise every day so that I am a little more tired at night. And I stay away from sugars and all junk foods. Also no caffeine for me.
try These methods. The main thing is to keep your mind off of it. Believe me, I know where you’re coming from! I hope you get used to it little by little. Take care! ❤❤❤
Harrypotterfan3 jan34534
Thank you so much Jan! I will try these I have started keeping a journal on my nightly experience with it to show the doctor in June when I go. I just hate it so much. Thank you again