Major anxiety after having Covid
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i had covid really bad for a month trips to ER etc for bresthing issues. once home l was in a program that would monitor me and id have to check my temp, O2 levels and heart rate for 2 weeks. Things improved but now a week past that i cant stop focussing on my heart rate. I feel like anxiety is making it worse. i often get a rest heart rate in high 80s to 90s in morning but then it goes to around 110 -16 most of the day when I see the number i start to stress out and then its worse ill feel
tight in my chest and then check my BP and its up too like 135/90 or a bit higher. Ill then freak out and its a vicious cycle ugh I can barely do anything without checking or stressing . Anyone else like this? I'm a mess
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jan34534 rich05299
what is happening is that you are focusing on everything which is making your heart beat faster and your blood pressure goes up. If you would relax more, everything will be OK. don’t constantly check everything. Get busy doing other things.
First of all, any symptoms that come from anxiety are not going to hurt you. even if your heart rate is up a little bit it’s not going to do anything to hurt you. Be aware of that. Learn how to calm yourself. Do some long slow deep breathing slow down your mind. You’re going to be OK
rich05299 jan34534
Thanks it is nice just hearing some re assurance. scheduled my physical for Tuesday and will discuss more with my Doc. This always happens to me in some way or another. It is so hard to deal with the older I get. It totally comes in waves. Appreciate the advice
NotLivingTheDRM rich05299
mine comes in waves also. Started out as heartburn which made me go to the doctor. She ordered an EKG AND HEART monitor. Resting HR was 112 both came back abnormal. Saw the cardiologist and he went over my results. He told me its anxiety due to stress. All these appointments are out if pocket, my insurance us terrible. One of these replies said that when you check the heart rate and think about it, it makes it worse and that is 100% true. ive also been feeling like my brain is foggy and scrambked at times, what i can only describe as what a seizure might feel like without the actual seizing part. i get gaggy and stomach pains, Can't sleep, i quit caffeine thinking that was my original issue but a year later and nothing really works. finding this website and knowing that other people are dealing with the same type of issues brings some kind of strange comfort to me and i hope it does for you as well. I wish there was more help. Doctors dont seem to know what to do about anxiety.
rich05299 NotLivingTheDRM
I hear you. Ive been this way on and off for years. i work out a lot and that helps me a ton but after having Covid it has been a struggle to go back and now I'm back to my old ultra anxiety ridden self. if it isn't focussing on my heart it will be something else until i get through it sorry you are going through it as well Out of pocket is no joke at least they didn't find anything wrong so that is good. Hang in there! This forum is great for finding support 😃
NotLivingTheDRM rich05299
so glad i found this because it does give some kind of comfort knowing there are others like us. are there any techniques you use to cope? deep breathing seems to help at times. theres an app called Dare that also helps sometimes. I just use the free parts of the app.
rich05299 NotLivingTheDRM
The one thing that seems to help me is weight lifting. when I get this down in a hole it is usually because I haven't been to the gym in a while. Covid hit me so hard I couldnt go for 6 weeks now. Having health anxiety and then getting Covid was terrifying. It is hard to get started because anxiety is telling me I have something wrong with me so I don't go But on a day I feel a little better ill try it Sometimes it may take a few attempts but eventually I will work up to full week of workouts and that seems to help
me get out of it. knowing I can do physical
activity without consequence seems
to trigger my brain into telling myself I am OK. It is hard at first but it does eventually help me.
Short term it helps if I talk it out with a friend. But that can be annoying after a while if you keep doing it
Also if its sunny out i go walk around my yard.
Today I feel a little better. Talking on this forum really helps a TON! Hopefully I keep this trajectory.
fit82595 rich05299
I think that it is quite normal to have anxiety after covid. This can be because of the fear of not getting sick again, it takes time to recover from any kind of disease and instead of taking stress, you should focus on keeping your mind and body healthy, stay hydrated, and take a lot of Vitamin C, this will surely make you feel better.
rich05299 fit82595
Thanks a bunch That is def a factor. It was so traumatizing that its always in the back of my head that i could get sick again. Was the worst Ive ever been.
Taking your advice 😃
well somehow i went downhill fast yesterday Tried driving my kid through her end of school parade and heat was racing. Wouldn't stop until I came home and sat down. I couldn't stop myself from checking pulse constantly. Checked my BP a bunch too. Averaged it at around 130 over 90. but since I am so wound up I am sure that was a factor even after trying to sit and relax before checking. When my heart felt pounding and racing it was 120-130 but felt way faster. I actually am looking forward to my Dr appt in 3 days. It couldn't come quick enough. I"m really struggling the last few days 😦