Major panic attack and shaking

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I really want to know what is wrong with me . I've been feeling off with bad throat and just under the weather. Now I've got a bad head like a migraine , feel sick and unsettled stomach . Now I'm shaking so that I can hardly type this . Am I going to keep feeling like this ? Is it something serious ? I was doing so well, now I've gone backwards . Please help . I'm 49 . Kind regards Jane

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13 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Jane. I am not sure those symptoms necessarily have to do with menopause. Maybe you have a virus or something. I think you should see your doctor. Please let us know how it goes. Good luck!
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    Aww jane u hang in there it will pass try an relax ...take care
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    Don't know if this helps but I had the same symptoms, it was down to imbalance of hormones which effected by adrenal function, when my estrogen became dominant usually before my period i shook, felt utterly anxious miserable, panicky and just not well. I took anti depressants, flaxseed oil & Angus castra which gas helped. You do need to see a doctor to make sure you haven't got any thyroid problems as these can be very similar to peri menopause symptoms. Try not to get anxious it will make thingsxworse

  • Posted

    i feel just like you but no headache and very weak. i couldnt get out of bed today. my husband who doesnt miss work for anything offered to stay home as i was so weak and vommiting. i just started hormone patch with no progesterone since i dont have uterus they said i dont need it. praying it starts to work. i hope u feel better. i sit an worry all the time fhat i have something drs are missing and im going to fall and die at anytime sad

    i hope u feel better. im 42

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    i also have had those attacks. been daily latley. i hold my head in my hands and shake and cry.
  • Posted

    Hi Jane,

    I get like that too.  It usually happens a day or two before my period starts.  I had a hysterectomy last November with ovaries left in so don't have the bleeding anymore but I still feel the effects of fluctuating hormone levels.  As  a matter of fact today is one of those days and if I had my uterus I know that tomorrow my period would start.  I get a migraine like headache which makes me feel really wiped out and nauseated.  With that I always get bowel cramping and diarrhea for a few hours.  The weird thing is that after the cramping and diarrhea my headache is gone.  I also feel what I call an internal shaky, nervous feeling and sometimes my chest feels right.  Then the next day I feel fine.  I'm sure that it's hormone related, at least in my case.

    Hang in there!

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      I meant to say that sometimes my chest feel tight.
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      It's not even two weeks until Thursday since my last period , although some months , like last month it was just over three weeks in between . It was then extremely heavy with lots of blood clots even though I'm on medication to lessen the blood flow . Sometimes I seem to panic and shake as soon as I feel unwell . My migraines have gradually got worse and I guess this is all hormone related as I had been feeling so much better recently . Maybe this is all related to some sort of bug as I have had a bad throat and generally a cold like feeling and a bit under the weather . Hugs Jane x

  • Posted

    Hi Jane, hang in there, it does sound like a virus.  If it is a virus that can make you feel down, and if you are peri, double whammy.  It will pass.  We are all going through this.  I had a panic attack when i was 47, i think i was probably peri then, but ~GP couldnt pick it up with blood tests, i know i was as felt the same as when i had blood test last year and my GP confirmed it.  Horrible as when i went when i wa 47 it wasnt mentioned that my panic attack could have been related to peri???  If only my GP had said then that ok, you blood test has not picked up that you are peri, but with what you have said to me about how you are feeling you probably are would have saved me a lot of stress of me thinking i was loosing it??!!! grrrr
  • Posted


    I have a question. I was wondering if anyone here

    ever has itchy nipples? My right breast has a itchy

    nipple but not on top it seems to be underneath were

    you can't scratch it. My gp told me to us monostat 7

    on them and it seems to be working. Has anyone

    else had this problem?

    • Posted

      Hi Maureen,

      ​I dont think it is anything to worry about, i have had this, it went away.  x

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      Hi Nikiola

      Thank you so much for getting back to me so quickly

      I was a little concerned but it does seem to be getting better with the cream. I just wasn't sure if it was something that other had happen. Thank you again.

  • Posted

    Hi I to experience the exact same things!

    Our Hormones are fluctuating and will cause anxiety symptoms which are shaking and neausea feeling! I am 43yo and going on 3rd year. It comes and goes.? Our bodies go through so much with perimenopause /menopause! Good luck and get well!

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