Major volcano 'down below!' help!
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For the first time, I have a huge boil on the right hand side of my, ahem, lady region. It truly is massive and very, very painful. I think this one is stress induced, I had to have my poor old cat put to sleep yesterday, he's been ill for around a week and I knew it was coming. Anyhow, this volcano has been brewing for about 5 days, but wasn't very large or painful until yesterday. I can usually treat my under arm volcanoes well, I can usually bring it to a head using hot water treatment and turmeric and keep pain to a minimum, but this one is something else. I have difficulty treating it properly, and because of where it is, I can't find a way to get a turmeric poltice to 'stick'. Can anyone help? I just don't know what to do with myself, I can't sit, lie or walk - it feels like purgatory.
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michelep54 rachel14667
You poor thing! I've been there! What works for me is to take a very hot bath and find a week spot in the skin and poke it. The pressure is what kills me, so to let it out I have no choice. I know lots of people say doing that makes it worse but not for me. After I get rid of the pressure I put Neosporin ointment on a triple layer Bandaid brand non stick gauze pad on the area and put underwear on to hold it in place. By the next day it's pretty much gone but still weeps for a while. Since I quit eating potatoes ad peppers I'm not having this issue anymore. I never thought that would work but it truly has helped cutting out the night shades. I only am dealing with one little area that continues to itch and weep. No more volcanoes for quite some time! I hope you find relief soon! Good luck!
heyandy rachel14667
c02819 rachel14667
Hi All,
Thanks so much for your advice. I had a bath as hot as I could manage earlier today, when I got out I stretched the skin around it (if you know what I mean) and hey presto, it burst. About half of it is still bulbous and painful, so I think it's little brother was building just beside it, but this one is much less painful, and I can sit without it constantly being on my mind. Anyway, thanks guys.
One other thing, I don't know if anyone else is like me, but when I am mid-breakout, I research HS a lot. I often see people say the pus is foul smelling, but mine isn't (either that, or I've lost my sense of smell). Sorry, not a nice subject I know, but wonder if this is the case with other people?
mistysevenfold rachel14667
cierra07305 rachel14667
jay13548 rachel14667
I was just diagnosed with hidradenitis suppurativa but have known about it for a couple of years. I'm having trouble with grooming the lady region as you say. Docs say no shaving or waxing but surely I can do something? I just feel so uncomfortable. Any thoughts or ideas to help me out?
heyandy jay13548
I know the docter says no shaving but I have to.I'm just very careful not to cut myself and I find if I don't shave I get more boils.honestly can you imagine not shaving under your armpits or not grooming down there at least a would be terrible lol.
LoveStrong jay13548
I shave with a mustache trimmer. I learned not to shave it bald but trim the area down very low. Keeps the breakout at bay. Last year I had my entire lady area excised and I haven't had any issues since then. God bless and Good Luck!
jay13548 LoveStrong
LoveStrong jay13548
No laser treatment. The area was completely cut out "gutted" with the exception of a portion of my labia.
cierra07305 rachel14667