Mammogram causing anxiety
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I have a mammogram today and in the past it never bothered me. But since going through peri I am so nervous about it. I have terrible heath anxiety to the point of wanting to cancel. I've missed last year of not having it because of my anxiety. Please say a prayer for me...thanks.
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hopeforever mary27278
Mary I too was like you when i had to go for my pap test in May. Anxiety was to the roof and thought all crazy things. I know the feeling of doom. I walked in shaking and this never happened to me in the past. All results came back ok. Do not fear everything will be fine. I am praying for you. God be with you. Hugs
Gillian1956 mary27278
I will pray for you 🙏 but I'm sure all will be well I thanks natural to worry about that sort of thing your not alone I know i worry
jo67532 mary27278
I just had my mammogram done a little over a week ago. Try not to think too much about it. Most mammograms come back with happy news. Someone once told me "Don't worry about something until there's something to worry about". Some days when my anxiety hes rearing it's ugly head I can't grasp the concept, but today I feel confident enough to pass it on to you. You'll be in and out of there in no time and feeling great that you didn't cancel! I'm sure everything will be okay. Hugs
Joseanne Henry
juanita93228 mary27278
Try no to worry. The tech at my last mammogram appointment told me the majority of results come back fine. You will be in that majority. 🙏
Ladies, Im so sorry to disappoint you but I chickened out. My excuse is that it was raining too much. 😒 I'm thinking on doing the thermomgram instead of the mammogram. Either way , I still have to do it so keep sending your prayers, encouragement and good vibes.❤
Gillian1956 mary27278
are you in the UK we dont get a choice just mammograms
Keljo48 mary27278
Mary, I also have horrible health anxiety coupled with real medical issues. I worry about tests, but the way I look at it. By not having the test done you aren't changing anything one way or another. If there is something it is better to catch it early, if there isn't anything then that is one thing that puts ones mind at ease.
I am two years post menopause as of next month. Two days ago I had very light scant pink when I wiped with a discharge. Did it scare me, heck yes it did. I remember someone had posted this very thing awhile ago and many women had this issue. I called my gyno on wednesday and had an appt with a TVA then yesterday morn. and a pelvic with my gyn afterward. Everything was fine and it appears supposedly I have a yeast infection. Just took my one pill med last night. We will see. I still have uterine cramping.
Anyway back in february I had strong breast pain in right breast that lasted about two months. Went in for a 3D mammogram, was a worried yes. But what other choice did I have? If their was something wrong it would only get worse by ignoring it. My mammogram was fine.
I had reoccurring breast pain. Was referred to a breast surgeon. She felt it was not pathological but hormonal. Told me to take vitamin e. I asked about evening primrose that others on here recommended she said yes that would be good also. Evening primrose solved my benign breast pain issue.
The moral of my story is. I COMPLETELY relate to health anxiety. But test like mammograms are there to help you with that. It is like 1% that actually have breast cancer diagnosed with their mammograms. So you have a 99% success rate chance. Where else would you get those odds?
Another story, flashback to me about 9 years ago. I ignored going into the doctor for high blood pressure. Didn't do anything about it. Let it go for a long time. Then I started having problems breathing, then one night I couldn't breath at all. I only wheezed. I felt like I was drowning outside of water. My husband rushed me to the ER, I had to be hospitalized with congestive heart failure. I lost 8lbs in water in three days in the hospital. I had to see a cardiologist for years after. Lucky for me I was told it was an acute attack of CHF, my heart is fine. (I have had a heart cath so my heart was looked at internally. My bp with meds is normal now.
Anyway, to say I have health anxiety is an understatement. I actually suffered ptsd from that event that still affects me presently. My brother, who is a surgical RN, had warned me "get in and get it taken care of or make it right with God" I almost died.
So get the test. You aren't going to change anything good or bad by ignoring it or trying to hide from it. Trust me on this. I will tell you I have had so many tests done this year (and in previous menopausal years), that I now have a RN case manager assigned to me from my health insurance. It is more like she is my health therapist. 😃 She doesn't offer any medical advice but she asked about my tests and my health and well being. Like a health therapist lol.
I understand your reluctance but you will feel better after the mammogram results.
heather29740 mary27278
I was the same when i went for my mammogram.
I also have bad health anxiety and still do but you have to go to all these health checks .... ....i had to be pushed into all these checks because i think the worst the worst before it hapoens, ......but the cancer checks are really important.
I hope everything went great for you today and that you were told the results straightaway, like i was.
Take care ......Heather x