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Hi All. Just thought I woud post this in the hope it may help others. I am post menapausal and the last 6 months have been very difficult. I have been in peri for years but did not realise; thought it was stress. However at Christmas I was floored with hot flushes, dizzyness, sickness, shakes and bladder irritation; some leaking also. I had buzzying in my ears and tingling in my hands! I also got a UTI!! Sore joints too. I struggled on not knowing what on earth was wrong but then as I had not bleed for ages I kinda wondered and asked Doc for bloods; full meno!! At least I knew!!! I then tried some use. The symptoms continued and after many, many trips to the Docs, many tears, much research I feel maybe now I am beginning to feel better; for now!!!!! I use a mixture of prescription drugs, supplments and alternative therapies. My treatment plan is as follows. This is obviously very individual to me but it may help some of you or at least give you stuff to consider.
Mirabegron for bladder irritation.
HRT Elestte Duet Conti
Propanadol for anxiety
Primrose Oil for breast tenderness
Magnesium for bladder, nerves and muscles
Rose hip for joints
Kelp for skin and hair
Joint ace for joint health
Tumeric for inflammation
Probiotic for gut health.
Marshmallow root tea for bladder
I exercise 4 times per week and have tried acupuncture and recently had a mylo fascia release massage which immediately stopped my night sweats. I also eat a low acid, low carb high protein diet. I avoid sugar and processed food and don't drink alcohol or tea or coffee.
My bladder is improved after a flare up and possible UTI. I still get a bit hot in bed but it does not wake me up. Hands a bit numb in the morning. Joints can be a bit sore but much better than before. My anxiety has been terrible but settling down.
At times I have really felt I was going mad and I may do again but I do feel I am getting a grip on this rather than it controlling me. I enjoy the immediate present and try not to think about the future in terms of the meno; I don't know what it may bring. This thing goes up and belief is to try and take control and don't be afraid to try things and to KEEP asking for help!!! I am not perfect and foolishly had some wine a couple of weeks ago which led to a bladder flare, dreadful anxiety and possible UTI. You live and learn though. This site has really helped too and I wanted to give a bit back. Sorry for long post but there is light at the end of the tunnel. Here's to us ALL having some peace at least for a while.XXXXX
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brendababy margaret04348
I've been prescribed propanalol for anxiety but haven't taken as I was on it for a few days in March this year then stopped it. I then took the dizziness it's probably got nothing to do with that but too frightened to start it again.
I wish the balance problem & agitation would subside as I've now got a poor quality of life because of it. I dident know peri could do this to you.
I hope you continue to improve, keep in touch with us all x
margaret04348 brendababy
brendababy margaret04348
Carolmayhew6 margaret04348
Thank you for your post
I have the anxiety n nausea it's terrible I overthink everything was always a worrier but I've gone worse if late even a day out seems a big ordeal then I have the knee pain 56 n knackered at the minute just 1 week post op from an arthoroscopy n the pain is yikes at times n I ??? If it's worked but I'm in the medical sector for work n have many contacts that assure me the procedure can be as painful as a knee replacement n my god is it painful at the minute then the right knee is sore due to over compensating onto that leg back to gp for review in Friday as I was put on HRT but felt sickly n jittery so taken off that no put on citalompram n a sleeper but I've stopped the sleeper due to it literally zonking me out
Then I found out I was vit d deficient so another tablet to take I feel better mentally wise just wish physical wise I cud get going
margaret04348 Carolmayhew6
Carolmayhew6 margaret04348
I used to take the propanalol for anxiety n that's why I went bk to my gp as I had some n restarted them they used to work for me straight away but Havnt this time, so he trying me on the citalompram I have days were I'm ok (if I'm on my own) but if things are outside my routine I get the anxiety (hubby not very sickness friendly ) n is forever pulling his face if any 1 calls n the conversations is about aches n pains his motto he has it all n gets on with it AWWWWWWWW
well my motto is if I could I would my pain has been dibilitating to say the least but because of Mr Moody I get the anxiety a lot
Just wish I cud get going & get back to work least I'd be occupied
Carolmayhew6 margaret04348
Forgot to mention like you I get this feeling I'm dying n got something seriously wrong with me too
Awful feeling isn't it
margaret04348 Carolmayhew6
brendababy margaret04348
Carolmayhew6 margaret04348
Hope yur feeling better
I've just got bk from physio bit of light at end of tunnel where knee concerned but I have got extensive arthritis in it n will get flare ups
but hopefully what works been done during the arthoroscopy should help as I did have a ligement & miniscus tear ( the pain n discomfort I'm getting is normal n can take quite a while to subside though
margaret04348 brendababy
susan21149 margaret04348
kristi63 margaret04348
margaret04348 kristi63
Bobbins059 margaret04348
Keep Well, we are all strong women 👯
margaret04348 Bobbins059