Manuka Honey, if you're using it, please post progress.

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Having success or not, please post how it's going here. 😁 Dena

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    I'm new here and I was just about to make a own topic about this, but then i saw your post. My english is limited so please bear with me biggrin

    I've been diagnosed with blepharitis and MGD but I don't have all the symptoms that you can have. My eyes are red when im at work (dry air and sitting at a computer a lot) and also when I wake up, this bothers me alot cause im always thinking about it, and what others may think of me, i look like im on drugs razz

    I also have been getting some crust in my eye lashes, but i wouldnt consider it to be over the top, its just a little bit when i wake up.

    I've tried all eye drops that are available in my country but they dont seem to help.

    Right now im using Rohto Cooling redness reliever wich i bought from USA, and they seem to remove the worst redness in my eyes, but i dont know how good they are long term.

    Now for your question;

    I bought MGO Manuka Honey 600+ with UMF 17, wich is the highest i could buy here in my country.

    I've been trying it out this past week and the crust in my eye lashes seems to be nearly gone, it hasnt had any major effect for my red eyes though, but it's only been a week.

    I feel very positive about it and im sure it can cure diseases like blepharitis!

    Dena, do you dilute your honey with water? Mine is kinda hard to lubricate on my eye lashes.

    Also i was thinking about making it to some sort of eye drops, do you know if this is possible?

    I think i have tons of questions for you but im gonna start with this ones biggrin


    • Posted

      Kris, I dilute the honey a little, so it is still kind of thick, but easy to apply with a q-tip, all around the inside rim of my eye. This stings, but no harm is done to the eye. Use a clean q-tip for each eye. I mix some of the honey and put it in a tiny jar. I never put a dirty q-tip or spoon into my honey, it all needs to stay sterile, as I'm sure you know already. In the morning and at night before I apply the honey, I use a drop of tea tree oil and no tears baby shampoo to wash my eyes with my fingers. Then I run my eyes under the fossit to rinse them well, then apply a moisturizer on my face only. My eyes are comfortable during the day, mostly I have small problems during the night. I also use Systane eye drops,(no preservatives), which is important. Honey has been very helpful to me. 😄👍

  • Posted

    Hi Dena,

    I've had it with honey and all other treatments from Doctors and natural. The I've spent a small fortune on all the stuff mentioned in this forum. Nothing works for long. I thought I was getting headway with the 53.00$ honey I used for almost a month. My eyes got white again and cleared up. This whole last week was a total painfull disaster. The honey burns so bad I can't use it anymore. My eyes are right back to the beginning and bloodshot and extremely crusty, but now painful. That I've never had before. My eye Doctor thought I was crazy to even think to put honey in and around my eyes which is an irritant to begine with which is why it burns the eyes.Also he stated honey is very thick and most likely will block the eye glands which again has happened to me. I've made an appointment to go to a professional Optometry and get the Blephaitis treatment done May 25th. This takes 11/2 hours to do in total and of course doesn't cure it. This treatment unblocks the glads and gets rid of the mites and cleans both top and bottom lids inside and out in a way we could never do ourselfs. Of course you still have to do your cleaning after treatment to avoid re occurrence  from happening. They recommend doing this twice a year. Afterwards I can use makeup and my contacts again. My eyesight is very precious to me so I'm not going to fool around anymore with stuff we have no idea what it might do to our eyes. We only have one set. I'll keep everyone posted on this treatment. I live in Canada so you might be able to get this or not. The machine one that takes 10 minutes is nothing even close to this treatment. You get what you pay for. Good luck everyone and happy cleaning, I'm still doing that till may 25th....but no more honey for me, just Blephagel.

    • Posted

      Cindy, sorry for your troubles. This stuff is really difficult to deal with. I'm not a Blepharitis expert, I'm just trying to find an answer like you. I have tried so many things. Right now it's the honey. There is more more than one way around a problem usually, and I hope you find an answer. If you do, please share. 😁. Dena

  • Posted

    Hi dena

    I started using manuka honey 20+ after knowing it from this forum and I had symptoms like gunky eye, white meibum discharge from outer corner of eye , small pimple like on lid margin. Now I am free of pimple like structures and quantity of gunk is reducing but whitish discharge from outer corner of eye still exist , i hope it will also go away,and it's been just 24 days now on manuka( bear with my English I am a learner)


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