Many symptoms all negative tests what should I do next?
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hey guys hope everyone is okay. i did not know where to post so do apologise if its in the wrong area. I had a very stressful time last 12 months as went through a divorce and other issues. I am 25 year old male and have been suffering with so many symptoms last 5 months. my symptoms listed below:
- head pain/brain fog/heavy head
- visual disturbance/poor vision at night
- blocked nose and ears (also ears ringing)
- lump in throat/swelling in throat
- chest pain
- heart rate is slower
- stomach issues/don't feel urge to go
- pain in right side of pelvis
- pain in testicle
- numb and tingling feeling in hands, arms and legs
- feverish and tired/night sweats/insomnia
also here is the tests i have had done:
- blood tests: thyroid function test, vitamin D level, serum ferritin, liver function test, urea and electrolytes, bone profile, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, differential white cell count, full blood count - all normal.
- 2x testicle examination all normal.
- 1x chest X-ray all normal.
- 1x eye test all normal.
- 3x blood pressure all normal.
- 1x anal examination all normal.
- 1x ultrasound for testicles all normal.
- 1x ultrasound urinary tract all normal.
- 1x ct scan chest all normal.
- 1x ct scan abdomen all normal.
- 1x ct scan pelvis all normal.
- 1x head mri all normal.
- strangely when i feel feverish i check my temperature which is always in normal range.
my doctor keeps saying it is due to my anxiety which i know i am an anxious person however i just worry if it is something sinister like cancer. sorry if i have offended anyone and thank you guys in advance.
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jan34534 AdamsL
if it was anything sinister, it would have shown up in your blood work.
There comes a time where we have to just be aware that the only thing wrong is our thoughts. Believe me, I’ve been there for over 30 years and I know how it feels. I wish I had I wish I had gotten help with anxiety way sooner.
we ask ourselves with all the symptoms how can there not be anything wrong?
Well the answer is just plain and simple. There is nothing wrong physically!
Anxiety is a monster that puts negative thoughts in our mind. We think and think and rethink and ruminate etc. we think and think and rethink and ruminate etc. what if? What if? what if? What if? we are actually mentally torturing ourselves.
your dr. is absolutely correct! It’s anxiety. My suggestion would be to find a good counselor or therapist and learn how to manage these negative thoughts. Like I said, I wish I had gotten help sooner because I mentally tortured myself for decades. Please don’t do this to yourself. There’s also a great book called finding quiet that helped me a lot. You can also find A lot of great videos and anxiety and overthinking on YouTube. Honestly I don’t even know what other tests they could’ve possibly done on you so please know that you are OK. Don’t waste your life on those thoughts because you can’t get one day back. Fear stands for false evidence appearing real and that’s what’s going on.
Base your conclusions on the facts and not the emotions! The facts are the results of the test you had. The emotion is fear and fear is not based on fact or reality. I do hope you feel better soon!
gale_a84426 jan34534
Hi are you?? Cannot pm you. i am so miserable!!!! At the end of my rope with feeling so crappy!!!!!!! i take ativan and even that does not help! So convinced i have a disease. More convincedd its MS. Even though my doctor says MS does mot work like this. Oh Jan.just dont know what to do anymore. How can anxiety last decades......
just makes no sense.
AdamsL jan34534
thank you for your detailed reply and youre so right our thoughts can do crazy things to us. i thought the same originally in terms of blood work showing anything sinister but i just did not believe it due to my physical symptoms. it has also got to the stage where i am thinking i do not know what other tests the doc can physically do for me. i am sorry that you suffered for so long and i hope things are changed and got better for you. again thank you for your message it made me feel so much better.
jan34534 AdamsL
you are welcome and I really hope you start to feel better soon! ❤❤❤
jan34534 gale_a84426
Gale!!! I think about you a lot! It’s so hard to communicate without the private messaging. I know....
I understand what you are going through. I’m going through the same thing myself right now.
Recently I started really feeling very lethargic with weak kind of muscles in my arms and legs. Then a couple days after that, I developed weird bumps inside my lower lip. I thought what the heck is this X?? After I rinse with salt water they sort of went away . got tested for Covid but that was negative. The tiredness is been going on about three weeks. Went to the doctor today. He wasn’t overly concerned but of course my mind goes right to the negative.I am completely miserable right now in my mind. worst case scenario keeps going round and round in my head.I wish we could actually talk together.
I know that for me anxiety has definitely lasted decades.this is too much! I really hope you feel better. ❤
gale_a84426 jan34534
Hi Jan whats up with the no private messaging!!!!!! They need to fox it. Got in touch with my psychiatrist and she increased my meds. So sick of doing this. i wake up tired and go to bed tired. My energy level is a big fat 0!!!!!! Just so weird how these symptoms take over. I am afraid to go to the doctors because the fear they may find something!!!! I cant live like this. Everything i do i get out of breath. The body tingles all day long or gets the burning sensation. Jan please stay in touch with me nobody in my family understands me!!!!! ❤️
AdamsL gale_a84426
hi Gale im sorry your feeling like this but i am very similar. do your legs feel weak when you stand and do you get dizzy?
jan34534 gale_a84426
I am the exact same way. I’m so lethargic. I did go to the doctor yesterday and he ordered a bunch of bloodwork which I just had done today. I am terrified to see my results. I’m also scared they will call me if something is not right. sorry you are not feeling well. I completely understand what you’re going through. other people can’t understand.
jan34534 gale_a84426
I don’t think they’re bringing back the private messaging. That worked so well
gale_a84426 AdamsL
Hello......yes i do feel dizzy and have weak legs. i hate this so much!!!!! cant believe anxiety can do this to you!!!! Feel like this 24/7.
gale_a84426 jan34534
Hi Jan this is so bad right now!!!!!! My whole body is tingling all over. I dont get it. How do you get it to go away? Comes like every two weeks leaves for a couple and then comes back. Jan how can this be anxiety...the symptoms are so intense. Cant function!!!!
AdamsL gale_a84426
yeah i am the same. i also struggle in toilet as do not get urge to go. from what i wrote in the original post do you think it is anxiety causing this or do you think i should push for more tests? i have had these symptoms daily and i dont know what normal feels like just want to be in bed as got no energy and feel tired.
gale_a84426 AdamsL
Oh ya i know the feeling.......just want to stay in bed all day!!!! i have had this for decades. Dont believe it's anxiety but doctors say yes. So afraid its somethong else.
jan34534 gale_a84426
hi Gale, i’ve also had my symptoms for decades. but I do know that mine is definitely all from stress and anxiety. Every single test I’ve had in the past has been normal. so if stress and anxiety is not managed, It can definitely go on and on and on.
The way I look at it is if it’s not anxiety causing this and it’s some other condition, then by now the doctors would have found out what it is .
Because by now if it was something deadly I wouldn’t be here. So I either had to realize that it’s anxiety related or just live with whatever it is the best I can. but I know for sure that mine is definitely long-term stress and anxiety symptoms.
if you have had an MRI of the head, And it was normal,, then you can definitely rule out MS.
like my doctor told me even if someone had a mild case of MS. Sometimes they don’t even know it and they live their entire lives without knowing and it doesn’t really affect their lives at all.
One of the best things I did was learn how to control my thoughts as best I can. Because it’s the thoughts that perpetuate the symptoms.
The brain believes whatever we say and if we keep telling ourselves there’s something wrong then we’re going to keep getting symptoms.
have you ever tried counseling or therapy for anxiety and stress management? You could do it online virtually if that’s better. I do that once a week and is very helpful.
by The way, I got the courage up to go get blood work done. It was all OK. Huge relief! The doctor listened to all of my symptoms and my fears and he told me that he thinks it’s all from stress and anxiety which I pretty much knew anyway. He thought my labs were going to be OK and they were
. If there’s anyway you could possibly just go do that it would take a huge burden off of your mind! ❤
gale_a84426 jan34534
Jan i have been thinking of joining a group therapy to meet others who are just like me. My meds have never really helped me and that whats makes me think that if they dont work then you have a physical disease. Scarey to think like that but to me it makes sense. Then i used to think that i had a very mild case of MS and that's why it never showed. I am glad you told me what your doctor said. Felt some relief!!!!! But Jan i try so hard not to trigger my anxiety and bam here they come and stay 24/7 and it can last for weeks. Mine never has gone away for like a year or more. But when i get relief i say thank you God. What symptoms are bothering you? i dread waking up because they will be there all day. By bedtime they are less intense. I may ask my doctor for another MRI just to ease my mind.....but they may say no because its a very expensive test. Oh Jan why did anxiety have to pick me and you.Hope we can chat again soon. ❤️
jan34534 gale_a84426
hi gale. that group therapy may be very helpful for you!
Remember that medication for anxiety and depression don’t always work the way we hope they will. but that doesn’t mean that you have a serious physical disorder. Sometimes medications just don’t work.
its funny, but when my lab tests all came out normal yesterday, suddenly my physical symptoms disappeared! That’s how strong the mind is! It really makes me realize how important our thoughts are in relation to our physical health.The more I worried, the more symptoms I had.
right now, the main thing I am feeling is fatigue. And I am certain that is due to the amount of worrying I was doing . so, i’ve decided that I need to enjoy something every single day! Even if it’s just taking a walk by the water.
I joined a singles group and I’m going to start going to events no matter how I feel. Life is too short for me to be wasting it by feeling anxious and miserable.
Let me know how you like the group therapy! ❤