Many tests normal but feel awful

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Hi guys 26 year old male. Hope all is well. I just needed some advice if someone has gone through something similar. I have many tests which all are negative but I feel awful and I feel something sinister is happening in my body. My symptoms are brain fog, clogged nose and ears (also ringing) with no relief no matter what I do, extreme fatigue where I can not do anything, unrefreshed sleep, shallow breathing, tight chest, chronic constipation, weak legs, a feeling of depersonalization as feel like in a dream and poor night vision, losing muscle, no appetite or thirst, erectile dysfunction. As you can see been suffering from many symptoms which have been going on for 4 months now, it just feels like my body is not working which makes me feel like something sinister is happening inside of me.

Here are the tests that i have done and all have come back completely normal with nothing sinister which again is very pleasing but do not know why I am feeling like this.

Tests I have done:

  • Blood tests: thyroid function test, vitamin D level, serum ferritin, liver function test, urea & electrolytes, bone profile, ESR, Differential white cell count, full blood count, CRP, testosterone, cortisol, complement with C3 & C4, antinuclear antibodies - all normal.
  • Head MRI with contrast - all normal.
  • Chest CT scan with constrast - all normal.
  • Stomach CT scan with constrast - all normal.
  • Pelvis CT scan with constrast - all normal.
  • Nasoendoscopy - all normal.
  • Colonoscopy - all normal.
  • Endoscopy - all normal.
  • ultrasound of testicles - all normal.
  • ultrasound of urinary tract - all normal.
  • Chest xray - all normal.
  • Urine sample - all normal.
  • ECG - all normal.
  • 5x blood pressure - all normal.
  • 2x testicle examination.
  • 2x anal examination.
  • Dentist check up - all normal.
  • Eye test - all normal.

If anyone has any other recommendations in terms of tests that I can do incase something could have been missed out from the above tests. I was thinking throat scan, get my penis checked out and full body bone scan or am I being ridiculous? Thank you in advice for your help and thank you for taking time to read and reply.

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10 Replies

  • Edited

    Hello there.

    So I have exactly same symptoms as you do, but I developed headaches as well. Headaches have been with me for 63 days, every single day, every single moment. The condition which you are describing has been with me for about almost a year. Before it I was active and enjoyed myself, which is completely opposite from what I am now.

    My test results were all normal as well, I went to private medical care - everything is OK.

    Now, I am not a medical doctor or professional of some sort in the same industry, but I think it is all in the head, psychologically. It seems to me this is already a point of no return. What I mean is that I will probably never go back to my old self because I simply do not know how the hell to get back and how I got here in the first place. Literally no idea, it just came like that and I am clueless for the first time in my life. It gets worse everyday because I can't work etc., 0 function from a human being. Terrible condition. You understand that you are in some sketchy phase, but you simply are out of actions as of what to do.

    I used to be fit & smart, sharp memory, quick thinker, maths guy. Now - it feels like calculating 5x5 is too much effort.

    I tried to excercise, that stuff does not help a single bit. I still am excercising, but it does not help.

    If anyone knows about this, would be nice to hear it from you.

    By the way, I am 24.

    • Posted

      Hey Andrew thanks for the reply and I am sorry you are suffering from these things too. It is very strange and there is literally no more tests that I can do apart from maybe check my penis out, full body bone test and full body MRI for full security. Main thing is that nothing sinister is happening in our bodies and just try to get back to normal ways. What tests have you had done so far?


    • Posted

      Also it could be physchological and maybe when we accept it like you said we can start to move forward. Do you suffer from all the above symptoms?

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    I've been going through it for going on 2 years now. I have had many many tests ran myself with all normal. I have not had as in depth of testing as you have......but the chest x-rays, blood work, abdominal ultrasound, liver function, endoscopy, colonoscopy are all things I had done as well. all my work comes back normal.

    I have an annual blood draw on the 7th, so we'll see how that goes...but I've gone through 8 months of citalopram, and now about 4 months of sertraline. there were times that I felt like my old self again and had not a worry in the world....but it manages to come back after a bit.

    I have soooo many physical symptoms as well. digestive problems galore. I get obsessed with the color of my bowel movements. aches and pains in my back and legs. racing heart. zero energy. even my vision gets wonky sometimes.

    it's an ongoing battle, but I have seen some light from time to time

    • Posted

      hey thanks for the reply. its really strange we get given the all clear but the body does not work how it used to. what are all your symptoms if you do not mind me asking and are the symptoms happening all the time?

  • Posted

    im currently in your same boat. everything comes back normal yet here i am feeling like death is approaching. i cant eat i do force my self some food. im loosing weight. just went to er again all test normal except now labs showed dehydrated and im fixated on my high anion gap and low co2 low sodium thst dr said was from dehydration. im litterally withering away its seems. constantly shaking. constantly lightheaded. dont feel like myself at all going on 8 days of misery.

    • Posted

      thanks for reply it literally feels like death is coming. what symptoms do you have and do you recommend any other tests that i could do?

    • Posted

      youve had a better work up then me. i cant reccomend any more test. for me my symptoms are constant lighheadedness feeling as if i am going to pass out. shortness of breath. arm tingling. feeling not myself at all. weakness in my arms and legs. i just started taking zoloft dr said its anxiety doesnt seem to be helping. I had a panic attack and the next day havent felt the same since.

  • Posted

    im currently in your same boat. everything comes back normal yet here i am feeling like death is approaching. i cant eat i do force my self some food. im loosing weight. just went to er again all test normal except now labs showed dehydrated and im fixated on my high anion gap and low co2 low sodium thst dr said was from dehydration. im litterally withering away its seems. constantly shaking. constantly lightheaded. dont feel like myself at all going on 8 days of misery.

  • Posted

    im currently in your same boat. everything comes back normal yet here i am feeling like death is approaching. i cant eat i do force my self some food. im loosing weight. just went to er again all test normal except now labs showed dehydrated and im fixated on my high anion gap and low co2 low sodium thst dr said was from dehydration. im litterally withering away its seems. constantly shaking. constantly lightheaded. dont feel like myself at all going on 8 days of misery.

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