Masterbation with prostate cancer During and after surgery
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I was just diagnosed with prostate cancer. I was wondering about masterbation while waiting for robatic surgery.It has been two weeks since biopsy. Any ideas?
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kenneth1955 tommymcsean
tommymcsean kenneth1955
Hey Kenneth, Thanks for your quick reply. I has a Glrrdon score of 6 and PSA of 11.5. I am trying to get my sugar nder control so I can heal. I have already had 2 Greenlight procedures and currently have a weak stream. amd has left me impotent but yet still able to achieve climax. So I will be glad to get rid of this monster.
My current issue is do I allow a local urologist (partner to my recently retired Dr,) or heed the word of my best childhood friend who is currently on staff at Mayo clinic persuading me to come out to Rochester have it dine by one of the most adept doctors in the field.
Are we still able to climax after the surgery? You mention that I won't be able to after Is that temporary?
oldbuzzard tommymcsean
IF you are going to get this done, have an expert at the Mayo clinic do it. Better, more experienced docs have much better outcomes - you'll have a much better chance of being fully continent. I know several men who will spend the rest of their lives in some sort of diaper after this surgery. I think given your current situation, any kind of sex is out of the question no matter who does the surgery.
As an alternative, consider aquablation when its more readily available. It does what TURP does, but with water and its way less invasive with much less chance of any permanent problems. That should strengthen your stream and leave you fully continent. Rezum is another option - about 40 have noticeable improvement in sexual function - it might make you potent again.
kenneth1955 tommymcsean
nealpros tommymcsean
Go to Mayo. It's important to get this done by someone who is experienced.
Consider a penile implant for impotence. They work well, and solve the problem.
Pepasan tommymcsean
dennis47445 tommymcsean
tommymcsean dennis47445
dennis47445 tommymcsean
uncklefester tommymcsean
oldbuzzard tommymcsean
I sent you a PM. Please don't rush into this surgery!!!
jwrhn1951 tommymcsean
If you are going to Mayo I would be shocked that they are recommending/contemplating surgery with a Gleason 6...
Active surveillance with your numbers is the standard of care in the United States.
Perhaps you are one of those guys who "just want it out" in which case seems to be a no brainier to have the best surgeon you can find do it. But because your post indicates a concern for possible side effects I'm wondering if you have not had the time to explore all your treatment options.
As others have noted should you take the surgical option use it while you still got it...
tommymcsean jwrhn1951
I was under the understanding that a Gleason 6 was rather high. A bit abovve the mid range.Yes I think I wold prefer to get it out as it has caused me a lot of issues . My previous urologist said it is the size of a lime and he preformed 2 greenlights on me but yest my stream ias still very week.
My best friend from childhood is on staff at the Mayo and I don't think he would misguide me.He is an excellent doctor and is a close friend of Getthber(sp) who would acyually preform the surgery.
Certainl I am converned. I have spoken to a few friends wo have had this robatic surgery and they have had good sucess with it.
I appreciate your concern.
kenneth1955 tommymcsean
Tom I don't think anyone would tell you wrong but Gleason score 6 is listed at a slow growing cancer in all the books I have Yes surgery is good if you just want it out but if it is slow growing you would not have to have it out for a while. What ever you do talk it over before you decide anything. Remember this is going to effect the rest of your life Ken
Pepasan tommymcsean
Now age 68, I've lived quite happily with Gleason 6 untreated for several years. It's been carefully monitored and I now only need yearly checkups. PSA has usually been around 8. I think you would regret the loss of ejaculation and potential erection and urinary function issues if you get the prostate removed for fear of a cancer that doesn't pose a risk and causes no symptoms.
Granted, if BPH is causing trouble then explore the options, but radical surgical removal? Why? There are so many other options. Don't let the idea of cancer scare you. Take charge of your own body and what is done to it!
kenneth1955 tommymcsean
We on here can only suggest what our opinion is. Like I said in the other post I have many book on cancer and the range of what the Gleason scores are. And Gleason score 6 in all of them is Slow growing. You need to talk with the pathology and if you can send all the information to your friend at the Mayo Clinic Let them go through everything. I know you have talked with friends and they have done good with there surgery. Di you ask them about everything. Do you ask them about there sex life. Because that will be a question you need to ask the doctor. I can tell you of friends of mine I have one friend that had his Prostate removed and his and his wife were fine with no sex at all. He is in his 80's now He said when he had it done 15 years ago. He had no sex drive at all and did not want to take any pills. But there was another friend of mine that he was talked into it by his doctor and his wife. At 48 he had it removed. The only way he can have a erection is with the shots. He hate it and he said the orgasm are not worth the time because they take to long. He wanted to die that how bad he was but the only reason he keeps going is because he had 2 young kids I think there 10 and 7 now. It's been 3 years and he is still depressed. But you need to get all the answers before you comment to a surgery that will change your life. I how and pray that you make the right choice Good luck Ken
oldbuzzard tommymcsean
Removing a Gleason 6 prostate is unnecessary surgery at best, malpractice at worst. If BPH is your problem, there are newer, less invasive (than greenlight) that work as well with almost no chance of permanent side effects. If you insisted on (again, for no clinical reason) getting the tumor removed, look into Focal Laser Ablation which is a cancer treatment that they found also cures BPH.
IMO, and Uro that recommends remove on a Gleason 6 score should be an ex Uro. Best case scenario is a lot of pain for a couple of weeks, incontinence for a few months and the end of anything sexual. And for no reason. Worst is a lifetime in diapers. Please reconsider.
kenneth1955 oldbuzzard
jwrhn1951 tommymcsean
Hi Tom
As has been noted Gleason 6 is not high. I suspect your childhood friend might have a different view when he becomes fully aware of your medical history. From what you have stated you have a smaller than average prostate, a low Gleason score, 2 greenlights, and no relief from your symptoms...
I'm certainly no Doc but it seems to me you may be barking up the wrong tree. I'd say your history may indicate you have eliminated the prostrate as the source of your problems as a Gleason 6 just doesn't produce your symptoms from what I know. Go to Mayo with an open mind and insist they figure out what the hell is going on with you before you go under the knife....get current urodynamic testing, cytoscopy. 3T MRI, PHI and genomic tests.
I understand the frustration, but I also know, based on my own experience, that doing "something" is not always the best course of action...slow down, become fully informed, and chose the best course of action for you, the advice you get here or from any other forum can be helpful but in the end its up to you as it has to be, and you can only make your treatment decision with the best information you can get...
tommymcsean jwrhn1951