Maxillary sinus cyst!
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Is there anybody else on here that has a maxillary sinus cyst and symptoms? I suffer with terrible headaches and facial pain, ear pain to name a few, but my ENT doctor thinks that the cyst is most definitely not the cause of my symptoms!! It's a long story but I can't begin to tell you how frustrating it is! Not being believed. I am in the U.K. and wondered if there was anyone else in the same situation? If you had it removed, what were the circumstances and who was your ENT surgeon?
Thanks in advance 😊
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ebruolcar Maxcyst
Hi there, omg I am not the only one. I have been dealing with this same issue for 5 months now and no one seems to know what it is!! Ive had an MRI scan, i've been referred to an ENT. They found a cyst in my sinus also, it was quite big from the imagine ive seen and the ENT was trying to convince me that this cyst wouldnt cause me any symptoms or pain and that people find out coincidentally.
I have been suffering from facial pain and eye pain, my pain is very dull. It hits my eye, rarely my ear but sometimes travels. Usually behind my eye and cheek. He thinks my pain is caused by something else. It comes and goes and its driving me nuts because no doctor is helping me, i just want to get rid of this pain. Please let me know if you went ahead with your surgery and if your issue got resolved?!
Maxcyst ebruolcar
Just want to check in on how you are doing? Know that you are not alone ! We are all searching for answers, and currently I am about to start taking Guaifenesin 400mg to see if it makes any difference to the post nasal drip and thick mucas! Have a google and read the papers/studies on this supplement . Keep us all posted on your progress and story. We are all here to help one another!
ebruolcar Maxcyst
Hi there- I am doing a lot better then before.
I haven't experienced any severe pain. The only time I feel pain and pressure is when i press onto my cheek and around my nose. It triggers the pain and it lingers around then leaves.
Could you please describe your pain? Does it only hurt when you press the are? Or all the time? What triggers your pain? How does it feel? Mine is a dull kind of pain.
frank02041 Maxcyst
I am happy to have at least found this forum, but dissappointed that very few have made any progress. I was experiencing vertigo symptoms along with some upper jaw pain and preassue feeling in my left ear. I have some general pressure above my nose and eyes. I do not have much congestion however that most people seem to have. I had a CT scan of my sinus that revealed a 15MM mucus retention cyst on the floor of the left maxillary sinus along with mucus thickening in the ethmoid air cells posteriorly bilaterally. When I first went to the ENT, he gave me antibiotics and it cleared up some of the vertigo feeling which honestly is my biggest concern these days. However, the feeling started coming back 3 months after. Since then, I have been on 3 different types of antiobiotics with no improvement. They have said the same thing to me that these cysts typically do not result in symptoms. Does anyone know if 15MM is even considered large? Of course with these feelings not going away, it makes me think that there is something even worse going on. Now that I finished my last dose of antibiotics recently, I need to go back to the ENT. Maybe get another CT. He has been focused on treating the mucus thickening rather than the cyst. Any thoughts suggestions would be greatly appreciated
Maxcyst frank02041
I am currently just about to try Guaifenesin 400mg - have a google and read up on the studies etc. I shall keep you posted with my progress. I'm sorry you are suffering too, and not being believed is the worst feeling . x
rachel78240 Maxcyst
Has anyone considered the possibility of an Atlas misalignment? Many of the symptoms you're experiencing can be related to that. That's what I'm currently going through, and I have a cyst in my left maxillary sinus as well. The adjustment relieves my eye and facial pressure, and headaches, but doesn't get rid of the ear fullness or tinnitus yet, but I haven't been able to hold the adjustment for more than a week yet. When the alignment goes "out", I get shooting pain from the back of my head to my eyes and forehead, headaches, head pressure, pain in the left side of my neck and behind my left ear. Also, over the years of popping my ears hundreds of times a day, I imagine I caused quite a bit of damage in there. Will be seeing another ENT, as soon as I find one. Just moved.
None of my practitioners (or dentist) seems concerned about the cyst, and I don't think it's the cause either. My body has been through an awful lot the last 7 years, and I think the cyst probably showed up during a major dip in my immune system when my system, unknowingly to me, tried to fight off multiple pathogens and molds without any help from me. I have just recently gotten rid of them in the last year, so hoping my immune system will rebuild, do it's job, and get rid of the cyst and post nasal drip in due time.
For those of you on all the antibiotics, I think you should consider the harm you could be doing to your good gut flora (microbiome), which is where most of your immune system functions from.
ricirici Maxcyst
i have been suffering from head pressure/dizzyness plus a myriad of other nasty symptoms for 2 yrs now and i have tried many cures plus done a lot of research. (i have suffered from chronic sinusitis all my life, but the intolerable symptoms started 2 yrs ago).
My conclusion - in case of sinusitis originating from nasal oolyposis (polyos/cysts in sinuses) bacterial inflammation that causes all the symptoms in secondary, the real cause in nasal polyposis.
Nasal polyposis is a system disease and must be treated as such... then cysts will disappear for good (surgery just eliminates them for a short time and they grow again(.
In case of systemic diseases your metabolism/thyroid/immune system... the whole body doesnt function properly. Often the culprit is the gut and poor absorption of nutrients that causes mineral/vitamin deficiencies causing the thyroid not function properly. Your TSH should be around 1.
in short - try to reboot your thyroid starting a strict gluten free diet plus dairy free diet, cut coffee and tea (herbal is ok), drink plenty of water w lemon /some grains of sea salt (once a day). Gluten and dairy free should reboot your thyroid, to accelerate it support your thyroid w 3 substances it craves (iodine - i take some drops of lugol solution every other day, iodine tablets are ok too, selenium (2 brazil nuts per day) and ZiNC (very important if u have polyps/cysts). Take 30-50 mg of zinc for 2-3 months, then continue with lower dosis for some more months and see what happens! best of luck and sry about spelling, im on my phone. GF diet must be strict as for celiacs.
jess63085 Maxcyst
Any updates Maxcyst?
Maggs68 Maxcyst
Just adding to everyone's post really. Maxillary sinus cyst found 2019 by chance. Recently 4/5 months ago l became stuffy, congested and inflamed in one nostril only. Soon after tinnitus, post nasal drip and dizziness. ENT says unrelated, not sure that l believe that, seems like a bit of a coincidence. Ct scan shows cyst still there.
Duck0879915 Maxcyst
Hi. I'm in Arizona, USA. I have had problems with constant sinus pressure and some pain for years. I often feel like I am dizzy and just out of it as a result. Yesterday, I had a CT scan and I received a message today that I have a cyst in my left sinus and a deviated septum. I haven't discussed the results with the doctor yet, But it gives my hope that maybe something can be done to help me?
Skowi911 Maxcyst
Hey guys! I'm Jakub, 26
Kinda glad to find out I'm not the only one to have that awesome thingy stuck in my skull, reading this discussion gave me hope that I wasn't crazy yet.
Let's start from the beginning. I was having terrible headaches for around 9 years now, at least I started noticing it in 2012 - pain sometimes lasts 5 hours, sometimes whole day, it was getting me so tired afterwards that it didn't really matter how long it was - I couldn't get too much focus during or afterwards the headache throughout the day anyway. During the month I had more days when pain occured than when it didn't. I wasn't paying too much attention to it though, I was working physically then and it didn't bother me too much. Back then I went to a internist doctor, who redirected me to a neurologist, I had to wait 1,5 year for a visit(I'm from Poland by the way). My life changed a bit during that period, and I simply forgot about the visit. So I repeated the process, this time I was supposed to wait 2,5 years. In the meantime I moved out to Norway for a little bit, I don't even know when that visit was supposed to happen.
I regret that I didn't take advantage of their public health care - most likely they would find and remove my cyst there and then. But I wasn't working with my mind too much, and I kinda got used to the pain. Most of painkillers wouldn't work, only ketoprofen-based drugs helped from time to time.
Last year I decided to turn my hobby - video editing, into a business. And lucky me, I succeeded. But the problem was becoming more and more apparent: I couldn't work for at least half a month due to headaches. I lost a few clients because of delays. This year I finally decided to buy myself a private health insurance, and after two weeks I finally visited neurologist. She recommended getting Magnetic Resonance Angiography scan, which revealed my not-so-new pet: 27mm maxillary sinus cyst. Before going back to her I did some digging(like all of you I suppose), and apparently this is it. Not only can it cause headaches, but pain in my teeth as well. I didn't even realize that having a runny nose for a whole year was an issue until now. It's so easy to get used to uncomfortable things...
After reading all that stuff I obviously went to see laryngologist, and oh boy was that a treat. He prescribed me nasal spray after saying it wasn't a big deal, and instead of whining I should be glad that I don't have a brain tumor, after such encouragement my headaches stopped!
They did not, I'm kidding of course. Apparently maxillary sinus cyst is not described too well in Poland, last study I found was from 2004(!) and was regarding much smaller cyst, there was only one man tested, and he was suffering only from blocked sinus and some runny nose because of it. Study written on a case of one man, that's some real science right there.
Now for the better part, and I hope this can help some of you get away from the pain. I came back to my neurologist with MRA results, she luckily knew about American studies, and confirmed that I'm not imagining things, I shouldn't look for different solutions like previous doctor suggested - I don't have symptoms of regular migraine - that has to be it. She prescribed me meds for migraines though, thinking it may help out... And she was right! I'm taking Divascan(iprazochrome) for a month now, after one week passed I had a headache only two times(but pain was much more bearable, and I strongly believe it was due to lack of sleep these couple days). So if any of you can't find a doctor that's competent enough to deal with the cyst, maybe you can try and use this in a meantime, works for me at least.
I'm sorry that it turned into tl;dr story of my life bs, but last few months I arrived to a very dark spot in my life because of the chronic pain, inability to make love, simply enjoy life, and to finally do the stuff that I actually care about. Had to get it off my chest I guess.
Feeling better now, I can't understand how the hell did I last for that long living like this.
I'm still hoping to get this thing removed, I don't want to spend the rest of my life living on meds. In online discussion on one Polish forum I found one laryngologist from the other side of the country that seems aware of the issue, I have an appointment next month, fingers crossed.
I'll keep you posted 😉
One word of advice: if you can, look for young fresh outta med school doctors, who are open-minded and not yet convinced of their infallibility, who are probably still eager to learn something new. And medicine, methods of treatment, are changing every single day.
LynnieD77 Maxcyst
Hi I've recently had a MRI scan which has shown a benign cyst in my maxillary sinus, currently awaiting ENT consultant appointment through the NHS but the pressure headaches are becoming daily and are so draining. Finally decided to go via BUPA now got an appoinment 1st October.
Anyone got any advice on dealing with the pain, nothing I take touches it. Today I feel dizzy and sick with it 😦
Anyway thanks
Skowi911 LynnieD77
Ketoprofen worked for me most of the time, but I'm not sure if you can buy it over-the-counter in the UK or if it needs to be prescribed..