May be Lung Cancer ; wait 6 months. Freaked out.
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The nodule is now 9 x 4 I guess mm ? they say too small to biopsy. Is that true.? Tell me about your diagnosis. I always thought I was much too unlucky a person to get this !! Some senseless daydream of justice?
Dr. has been measuring it for years -- almost 7 , 10 ?
Move to Death with Dignity State?
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kim12266 kris11713
A biopsy means removing a small piece of your lung in order to look at it under a microscope. Biopsies are usually not recommended when nodules are small because it is very difficult to biopsy them safely. Doing a biopsy when a nodule is small can cause harm such as trouble breathing, bleeding, or infection.
Lung nodules are usually about 0.2 inch (5 millimeters) to 1.2 inches (30 millimeters) in size. A larger lung nodule, such as one that's 30 millimeters or larger, is more likely to be cancerous than is a smaller lung nodule
it is better that it is to small to biopsy because if it was bigger the more likely it is it could be cancerous as it is now it may not be the smaller it stays the better i hope its good news in 6 months time
kris11713 kim12266
I do not think you understand. Sorry, but I want to know; I have plans, affairs, to do now. And I doubt anyone just relaxes for 6 months. If malignant, I want to know now. actually if they don't find out, I'll just assume malignant. Ha! I can live with that. Ha.
And I am moving to Michigan A Death with Dignity state. So I need to know.
kim12266 kris11713
me or noone on here can answer that question for you alot of people can have nodules on there lungs and dont even know they have them there as they are to small to notice any effect from them sometimes they grow to a certain size and then they stop growing my son had one on his lung after an infection and his grew then it went away on its own
kim12266 kris11713
i think u are jumping the guna bit here a nodule does not always mean cancer and if it was some can be treated there are treatment options available to u it sounds like u have almost given up before u even have gotten a diagnosis there are not just the typical chemotherapy treatments there are natural things u could try like thc oil and cbd oil there is always hope my sons nodule went away but he then got terminal cancer neuroblastoma nothing to do with the nodule they found he died 2 years ago but we never gave up trying everything we possibly could because theres always a chance that it will work there is hope
kim12266 kris11713
and yes i do understand the wait to find out is unbearable i had to wait 3 months before found out my son had cancer tests scans biopsys all spent waiting we went threw surgery chemotherapy and radiotherapy over a year for his cancer to return 3 months after finishing treatment we then went on to have surgery again then more chemotherapy then immunotherapy which went on for another year he then relapsed again and they said there was nothing more that they could do he didnt have treatment at all after that and lived a good happy 3 years after that being a normal child going to school as normal without having to be sick all the time and he was comfortable and he enjoyed the 3 years he had just being normal again i understand exactly how u feel it is a very difficult situation but dont rush into making decisions until u have a definate answer